Tuesday, January 21, 2014

I was fired after working for 25 years. I was never told I was fired instead learned from other employees. They are accusing me of situation...


I was fired after working for 25 years. I was never told I was fired instead learned from other employees. They are accusing me of situations I had nothing to do with. I was a supervisor and I was never really a proper office or space to workor plan ojt the schedule. Can they do this. They also cancelled my health benefits 2 days after they fired me and I still hhaven't received my last paycheck or unused vacation time.


thankfully..not only will u have access to affordable care health care..but even now..cobra gives you a right to insurance.but it sounds like slander or libel if false written accusations...consider filing with EEOC for age/etc discrimination...give me a call

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