Tuesday, January 14, 2014

I was recently arrested and spent one night in jail. Since that time my employer placed me on unpaid leave until the "situation" can be inve...


I was recently arrested and spent one night in jail. Since that time my employer placed me on unpaid leave until the "situation" can be investigated. I was asked to write a statement as to what happened and provide a copy of my bookong/charge papers, which I did. That was over a week ago, an when I asked what was the result, they stated they needed a more detailed statement. I would like to know if I can claim Unemployement because of this? My bills are growing, yet have no savings to pay them or for the court costs of this incident.


I think you may be able to. Apply and if you get rejected than you can appeal it. For more information feel free to check our our employee rights blog www.takethisjobnshoveitblog.com or www.behrenlaw.com.

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