Monday, January 13, 2014

my husband and i got married sat june 16th his ex wife is refusing to let me pick up their son now on my husbands days although this has not...


my husband and i got married sat june 16th his ex wife is refusing to let me pick up their son now on my husbands days although this has not been a problem in 3 years but now that we are married she is refusing to let me pick him up what do we do? it is even worse now with me having to file police report against her


I don't know why you would be filing a police report for anything having to do with visitation. You have no rights to the child and unless the parenting agreement says that he can send a surrogate to p/u the child, she doesn't have to release him.

That being said, your husband is going to have to either p/u the child himself from now on or file a petition to modify the Judgment with the court. I would suggest that he do this immediately rather than allow this situation to go on.

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