Wednesday, April 30, 2014

$300 was stolen from my place of employment. Since there is no cameras everyone that worked is being questioned by the police. I was asked i...


$300 was stolen from my place of employment. Since there is no cameras everyone that worked is being questioned by the police. I was asked if I would take a polygraph test if nobody came forward. I don't have anything to hide but don't want to be found guilty of a crime I didn't commit either. Can I be forced to take this test? What can they do if I refuse?


You do not have to take a polygraph. In most cases they are Inadmissible in court. Additionally, they may be bluffing as a polygraph costs a lot more than $300.

I need a job and im 12 i ive tired babysitting lawn mowing wedding painting fences selling lemonade and they all suck and i got 13 dollars from doin it all help?

I need a job and im 12 i ive tired babysitting lawn mowing wedding painting fences selling lemonade and they all suck and i got 13 dollars from doin it all help?
Have you tried walking dogs or cleaning cars?

What is the advantages of product structure?

What is the advantages of product structure?
1. allows the business to make relatively quick decisions, and locate all personnel related to each other together
2. Clear focus on market segment helps meet customers' needs.
3. Positive competition between divisions
4. Better control as each division can act as a separate profit center

Good dayWanted to find out what is the proper procedure to follow for such scenario.My friend mother died several years ago and his father r...


Good day

Wanted to find out what is the proper procedure to follow for such scenario.

My friend mother died several years ago and his father recently died about 3 years ago without a deed.

He has 5 brothers and sisters. According to him 2 of his elder siblings a brother and sister knows about most of the assets his parents had and are hiding it from him and his other two siblings.

In such an event, what is the right things for him and his other two siblings to do, if they are unaware of their parents assets of which they hold a claim to.

Also what is the proper procedure for siblings whose parents are deceased to account for and distribute parent assets fairly.

Is there a way that siblings who are kept in the dark by other siblings can legally request a declaration of assets and hold those who are hiding assets legally responsible.


They need to hire an attorney and to probate the Estates of both parents. Remember if the parents transferred their assets before death, then reversing those transfers will be a costly process. If the assets are not worth the cost, there may be no recovery.

Monday, April 28, 2014

How do you get auto insurance if you have no license?

How do you get auto insurance if you have no license?
Maybe your chauffeur has a dirver's license. You don't have to be the driver to be the owner of a car. You could own a fleet of cars and not have drivers license your self. You could even be blind and own a fleet of cars. You could own a fleet of cans even if you did not know how to drive one.

Is it legal to shoot someone who's breaking into your neighbors house with written consent from the homeowner to protect them and their prop...


Is it legal to shoot someone who's breaking into your neighbors house with written consent from the homeowner to protect them and their property in Texas?


In Texas a person is justified in using force or deadly force against another to protect land or tangible, movable property of a third person if, under the circumstances as he reasonably believes them to be, the actor would be justified under Section 9.41 or 9.42 in using force or deadly force to protect his own land or property and:

(1) the actor reasonably believes the unlawful interference constitutes attempted or consummated theft of or criminal mischief to the tangible, movable property; or

(2) the actor reasonably believes that:

(A) the third person has requested his protection of the land or property;

(B) he has a legal duty to protect the third person's land or property; or

(C) the third person whose land or property he uses force or deadly force to protect is the actor's spouse, parent, or child, resides with the actor, or is under the actor's care.

What drives you to be a performer?

What drives you to be a performer?
For most people it can be the following: satisfaction, reward, acknowledgement, money, praise.

What was the entertainment in the Elizabethan times?

What was the entertainment in the Elizabethan times?

I purchased a house for 3,000 on a Contract for Deed,the owner say he working on getting the tenant out,its been a minute,I've signed a Quit...


I purchased a house for 3,000 on a Contract for Deed,the owner say he working on getting the tenant out,its been a minute,I've signed a Quit Claim Warranty Deed and want to know what do I do know?


I believe this is a follow up on an earlier question. My answer has not really changed. I do not see why you would be signing a deed as usually only the seller will sign a deed. Next, the terms quit claim and warranty, which you are using together, are, essentially, opposite designations. Finally, if the transaction involves a contract for deed, the seller's deed usually would not be given until the end of the contract for deed term. You really need to get someone involved who understands the processes and can make sure that no advantage has been taken.

I live with 2 roommates and their teenage son. Do I pay 1/3 or 1/4 of the household bills? The child and roommates are no blood relation.


I live with 2 roommates and their teenage son. Do I pay 1/3 or 1/4 of the household bills? The child and roommates are no blood relation.


This depends on the agreement with the roomates, it is not really a family law issue. If there are 3 roomates, then you would pay a third of the rent in an avarage agreement.

Can I sue the city for cleaning and replacement of property for sewage in basement cause by city knowingly pumping water in to a clogged sew...


Can I sue the city for cleaning and replacement of property for sewage in basement cause by city knowingly pumping water in to a clogged sewer main?


Perhaps. But you actually have to legally prove, with evidence, what occurred AND that their actions were improper or negligent. You must have also filed, timely, a proper notice of tort claim. And you really need to show adequate monetary damages to make the claim worthwhile.

I I choose not to take the stand in a criminal trial against me, can my past record be brought in front of jurors?


I I choose not to take the stand in a criminal trial against me, can my past record be brought in front of jurors?


No it cannot. If you testify then only certain convictions in certain time periods would be allowed in evidence. You should discuss this with your lawyer.

Hello, suggested I contact you to ask a question. I am in asset recovery based in Florida, found some assets in Arkansas that...


Hello, suggested I contact you to ask a question. I am in asset recovery based in Florida, found some assets in Arkansas that belong to my client who is located in Alabama. I wanted to purchase the finders fee form but which state form should I use in this situation? Also, do you review documents and make minor changes? How much would those fees be? Thanks in advance.


First, this forum consists of multiple private attorneys, and services are not typically provided through the forum. If you need to engage the services of an individual lawyer you can browse lawyer profiles on this site, or any of several other sites that provide lawyer profiles. You can also check the Florida Bar's attorney referral service.

As to your question, typically the recovery form needed for recovering unclaimed assets would be the form of the state where the assets are located. As for your fees for this recovery, barring some state statute in another location, I would suggest the contract would be between you and the beneficiary and that contract should contain language indicating the state's law the parties intend to be bound by. If the contract doesn't specify a selection of laws then typically the law in the location where the contract was entered into or the location where services where provided would be the controlling law. With multi-state business relationships for internet or remote services, it could be tricky to determine which laws would control without a written contract designating the laws the parties are bound by.

I typically suggest the business performing the work should use the law and location where they are physically located whenever possible.

Finally, I am not aware of any state specific form for what you have described. A service contract should be specific to the services and parties involved. There may be numerous examples available on the internet, but I doubt you will find a "form" that contains everything you need.

I received a letter in the mail a bout two weeks ago from a lawyer about reviving a judgment that was placed against me some years ago. The ...


I received a letter in the mail a bout two weeks ago from a lawyer about reviving a judgment that was placed against me some years ago. The judgment was for breaking a lease from when I was arrested and sent to federal prison. The judgment went dormant due to the time that has passed. I did attempt to contact the lawyer who was on the case for the plaintiff but never any correspondence back. So fast forward to present I contacted the property management company that I owed and they told me that they never authorized this lawyer to attempt to collect on their behalf due to them no longer being the property management group and them turning everything over to a new group a number of years ago. The thing is the new group know nothing of the debt and the old group who I owe said its not their concern because they don't management the property any longer. The lawyer who has filed against me has done it on behalf of the old group who has not authorized it and is also not the original lawyer on the case. How can I get this dismissed in court?


I filed a Motion to Deem the Judgment dead in a similar case to yours. In that case it was a dormant judgment lien. In order to purchase a home the lien had to be cleared. While I didn't get all the way to court because we settled prior to hearing the motion, it might be one of your only shots. The only other recommendation for removing the judgment permanently is to file for bankruptcy protection.

What are somethings only millionaires own?

What are somethings only millionaires own?
family feud answers:
sports car

Shiny but won't tarnish?

Shiny but won't tarnish?
gold won't tarnish =]
silver will

hope this helps =]

How can the state of Texas issue probation and drug screening when the offense swas not drug related at all?


How can the state of Texas issue probation and drug screening when the offense swas not drug related at all?


Because many people commit crimes for drug reasons. And, because you signed an agreement to take probation and the terms the judge set within reason. This is considered reasonable.

How much would flamingo land themepark be to buy out?

How much would flamingo land themepark be to buy out?

Theres a hose coemingfrom coolantpressure box going to something behind engine oil fill two sensors on it . just dont no..?

Theres a hose coemingfrom coolantpressure box going to something behind engine oil fill two sensors on it . just dont no..?
what kind of car it is

My husband and I are getting divorced and he inherited money and a house from his late father that we put into an investment account in the ...


My husband and I are getting divorced and he inherited money and a house from his late father that we put into an investment account in the name of our family trust. Does this make it community property?


No. Initially it was his separate property. Inheritances are always separate property unless and until converted to some other form of ownership. It is now trust property that is owned and controlled by the terms of the trust. If it is a revocable trust and the account is removed from the trust, then it would have to be determined whether the intent of putting the money in the trust was to make a gift to the marital community or not. If the trust was for your mutual benefit, there will be a presumption that it was a gift, but that can be rebutted by contrary evidence.

Sunday, April 27, 2014

What are three things that corporations do for stockholders?

What are three things that corporations do for stockholders?

Why a bank reconciliation necessary?

Why a bank reconciliation necessary?
why a bank reconciliation necessary

My husband inherited some money from his previous employer who recently passed. We've been married for 3 years now. Do I have a right to ask...


My husband inherited some money from his previous employer who recently passed. We've been married for 3 years now. Do I have a right to ask for a share? What is the law here in CA?


Your husband's inheritance is his separate property. You are not entitled to any of it.


Everything acquired during marriage as the result of the labor of either spouse is community property owned equally by both spouses, regardless of whose names are on the account.

Any assets owned prior to marriage, and any gifts or inheritances received during the marriage, are the sole and separate property of the spouse receiving the gift or inheritance.

Note that employment related bonuses are community property, but in your husband's case, if he was no longer working for his former employer when his former employer died, it would be hard to characterize the inheritance as any sort of performance related employment bonus.

What are the release dates for Magic City - 2012 Time and Tide - 1.8?

What are the release dates for Magic City - 2012 Time and Tide - 1.8?
Magic City - 2012 Time and Tide - 1.8 was released on:

USA: 1 June 2012
Hungary: 11 June 2012 (limited)
Hungary: 23 July 2012
Germany: 18 November 2012
Japan: 18 September 2013

I have been served with court papers. My son's father is requesting the court to have my son attend therapy through a family reunification p...


I have been served with court papers. My son's father is requesting the court to have my son attend therapy through a family reunification program. My son is almost 17 years old and doesn't want to attend any such program. I have filed paperwork to deny his request which included a statement from my son. I have had sole legal custody for the past 15years. What are my chances? What are my son's rights?


Since your son is nearly an adult, the court has the power to give weight to your sons wishes. Please meet with an experienced family law attorney to explore your legal options.

Is it legal for a company to void another companies money back guarantee?


Is it legal for a company to void another companies money back guarantee?


More facts are needed.

Can I sue my landlord if my rent is paid until the end of May and while I was home visiting he went in my apartment numerous times, threw th...


Can I sue my landlord if my rent is paid until the end of May and while I was home visiting he went in my apartment numerous times, threw things away, emptied my fridge, turned off the water, turned off the heat, changed the locks, took some of my items and never registered the apartments so they are illegal. The circuit breakers kept going off, and my bed was unmade, which I left made. This is zoned single family residential and he converted his house into three apartments. I was left virtually homeless and all of my stuff was in there. It was 36 degrees in there when I was finally let back in by the maintennace person. My stuff was frozen and he took down curtains, emptied my fish tank, and just went through my stuff at free will since I was out of town.


Yes, sounds like an illegal eviction to me. Small claims court may be in order.

What are the release dates for Make Room for Daddy - 1953 The Diary - 4.8?

What are the release dates for Make Room for Daddy - 1953 The Diary - 4.8?
Make Room for Daddy - 1953 The Diary - 4.8 was released on:

USA: 19 November 1956

How do you verify Security and Exchange Commission Licensures on a Business?

How do you verify Security and Exchange Commission Licensures on a Business?
Genuine Website Gentlemen:Good day! I'm virgie from the philippines, I just want to berify if the
the Wannex LLC. California USA is a genuine company, under the website of Hiring a data entry specialist as a home based job. I am very interested about their offer, its very practical and convenient for me to work at home and earn dollar at the same time. But I'm afraid to send a member fee of $57 is about Php2,850.00 in Phillipine money.Thank you very much

How much money gets the title of campagin finance funds?

How much money gets the title of campagin finance funds?
probly thhe amount of collage touition for all the people who want but cant afford it

What are italys major imports?

What are italys major imports?
Italy imports a variety of products to support the economy and thecitizens who live there. Some of the items imported include oil,sugar, coffee, cocoa, and pharmaceutical products.

What is a foodie?

What is a foodie?
Foodies are dining hobbyists; individuals that value the experience of food and wine and raise it to an art form. The term was first coined in 1984 by Ann Levy and Paul Barr in their book, "The Foodie Handbook". Since then, many tourism destinations have jumped on the Foodie bandwagon marketing their food and wine related assets to attract tourists. The largest body of research on the topic was created and is currently maintained by David Bratton (Founder Destination Analysts) and Brian Baker (Managing Partner Cultivar Marketing). Baker speaks frequently on the topic to tourism and destination management groups.

Long story short. Married oct 2010, didnt work out so we both split up. Little while after, I fell in love with another man, we have a child...


Long story short. Married oct 2010, didnt work out so we both split up. Little while after, I fell in love with another man, we have a child aug 2012. What can i do to get this all straigtened out asap. Please help


Michigan law provides a way to "straighten this out" by disestablishing paternity through your divorce complaint. I've handled this exact issue. Contact my office for more information. I'm happy to assist you.

What is scientific study to generating business idea?

What is scientific study to generating business idea?
Base Line Study, process Engineering, Value Stream Mapping, SWOT ( Strength, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats )analysis, PEST ( Political, Economic, Sociological and technological )Analysis

How many cars were sold between 1920-1929?

How many cars were sold between 1920-1929?
I need to know!

Is the behaviors of managers consistent with profit maximization?

Is the behaviors of managers consistent with profit maximization?
In theory, managers act to maximize the profit of their organization, assuming it is a for-profit organization. In fact, however, they have more of a tendency to maximize their personal well-offness. This is true for a number of reasons:

1. Their personal financial incentives are based on things other than the profit of the organization as a whole so they tend to make decisions that maximize their bonus or raise. Such decisions may make themselves look good at the expense of other parts of the company, thus reducing total company profit.

2. Their personal job security my depend on the continued existence of a string of problems that they solve. Getting at the root cause of the problems would eliminate their job so they continue to do their job and keep quiet about a potential way to save the company money.

3. They may feel mistreated or underpaid. They may intentionally cause problems that will be blamed on others in order to "get back" at the company.

4. They may feel the company is mistreating customers and go out of their way to secretly assist customers - adversely to company interests.

There are many other reasons why many, if not most, manager behaviors do not add to profit maximization.

My wife received $600,000 from a trust from a person she was taking care of when we were married ,consisting of $200,000 she has received t...


My wife received $600,000 from a trust from a person she was taking care of when we were married ,consisting of $200,000 [she has received that amount] and $400,000 total for her life and when she passes away ,my daughters life also. I received divorce papers, she checked the box that terminates the courts ability to award support to me. I haven't signed anything or filed for FL-120 yet [20 days left] . Married 14 years . Do I get half?


Most likely. You should have counsel. Contact me and we can set up a consultation and retainer agreement.

Christopher Brainard, Esq.

Tel: 310.266.4115

Email: [email protected]/* */


Family Code Section 760 deals with the rules of community property. If this was earned during the marriage for work then likely yes. The counter argument is this was a specific gift to one party in order to attempt to state it as separate property. You have enough potential assets at risk where it will be beneficial to contract with an attorney.

Feel free to contact our offices or a local attorney in your area.

Saturday, April 26, 2014

In Pennsylvania Civil court is there any reason why the court will accept and appeal one day after the 30 day exporation period ends


In Pennsylvania Civil court is there any reason why the court will accept and appeal one day after the 30 day exporation period ends


Generally, only if the 30th day falls on a weekend. You should start counting from the day after the judgment was entered.

We are dissolving our LLC. I am going on my own. Can I still use the website? I will remove all instances of the LLC company name.


We are dissolving our LLC. I am going on my own. Can I still use the website? I will remove all instances of the LLC company name.


Who knows? The IP created likely belongs to the entity and as such is not owned by any individual member. At a minimum, I would enter into a written agreement that will allow you to possess any asserts such as the IP, domains, etc. You cannot just assume you can control what was company property.

Yours is a fact intensive situation that should be talked over with a lawyer in private.

If you would like to discuss further over a free phone consult, feel free to contact me anytime that is convenient.

Our firm is now referred by the American Bar Association (see under the New York section):

Kind regards,



[email protected]/* */

DISCLAIMER: this is not intended to be specific legal advice and should not be relied upon as such. No attorney-client relationship is formed on the basis of this posting.


Mr. Natoli's answer is sort of right. He is right that the right to USE the website apparently belongs to the LLC and that you should talk to an attorney directly about this.

Beyond that he is wrong, at least under California law. It is impossible to say if the website belongs to the LLC based on the limited information in your question. Was the LLC created after the web domain was obtained? Was ownership of the domain transferred to the LLC? If not, who is the registered owner of the web domain? Was the website content created after the LLC was formed? Who paid for it to be developed or was it developed in house by LLC members or employees? In short, there is a great deal of unknown information that is needed to determine who owns the rights to the domain and its content. Then once that is determined, unless it is clearly you in all regards, you need to sort out who gets ownership of the domain and content as part of the LLC dissolution.

Again, as I said, Mr. Natoli is right that you need to consult with an attorney. He is wrong again, however, that you should consult him, since neither he nor his partner is licensed to practice law in California and it would be a crime under California law for him to advise you unless you are both in a state in which he is licensed.


How the LLC assets (including the website) are distributed after the LLC is dissolved should be set out in an agreement among the members. It is very likely addressed in the LLC's operating agreement, but, if not, the LLC members can decide among themselves and come to an agreement. Whatever arrangement you come to should be in writing and signed by all the LLC's members.

You should be aware that entities are governed by state law. As Mr. McCormick has pointed out, the first attorney who answered this, Mr. Napoli, is not licensed in Calfornia and therefore cannot legally give advice on California law. It is a mystery why LawGuru allows Mr. Napoli to answer questions posted by California residents regarding California law, about which he clearly has no expertise. Perhaps this underscores the fact that no response on LawGuru should be construed as legal advice and no attorney-client relationship is created.

What are the advantages of being a stockholder?

What are the advantages of being a stockholder?
When you're a stockholder, you own one or more shares of a business. When you own shares, you own part (or sometimes all) of that business. Ownership has many benefits, including profit, income, prestige, control, and/or status.

How did england get a favorable balance of trade?

How did england get a favorable balance of trade?
By exporting more than it imported. It did this by bringing in raw materials then manufacturing things that added a lot of value and exporting those high-value goods.

My father passed away last year. we had been estranged for close to twenty years. Unknown to me he took out a reverse mortgage on his home a...


My father passed away last year. we had been estranged for close to twenty years. Unknown to me he took out a reverse mortgage on his home and now the balance is more than the house is worth. i recd papers in the mail stating that the mortgage company that loaned him the money is trying to add me to a law suit to recover. i don't know if there was a will or life insurance but am i responsible to repay the bank the money.


Assuming you did not sign the promissory note, you are not responsible for repayment of the reverse mortgage. Likely what they are trying to accomplish is to extinguish your lien against the real estate. If you have concerns, take the documents you have received to a real estate attorney for specific advice.


I agree with Attorney Moens. While you should not be responsible for the loan, the law is seeking to protect your interest as an heir by requiring the lender to give you notice in any proceeding involving the property. To be safe, since these lenders and their counsel act in bulk and make mistakes, take the documents to a neighborhood attorney experienced in probate and real estate.

I'am English and wish to pay for a taxi from an American company over the net with my visa debit cardwill the payment me taken out simply in dollars from my account which is in pounds?

I'am English and wish to pay for a taxi from an American company over the net with my visa debit cardwill the payment me taken out simply in dollars from my account which is in pounds?
Well, most likely,yes, they will take the equivalent amount of dollars here in America that is equal to the amount of pounds in England out of your Visa debit card.So in other words, they will probably convert the pounds to dollars, then deduct that amount from your card.

What are the release dates for Marriage by Contract - 1928?

What are the release dates for Marriage by Contract - 1928?
Marriage by Contract - 1928 was released on:

USA: 9 November 1928
Finland: 7 October 1929
Finland: 16 March 1930 (re-release)

If a company has a permissible purpose under the DPPA (specifically as an insurance support organization), does this supersede any contradic...


If a company has a permissible purpose under the DPPA (specifically as an insurance support organization), does this supersede any contradictory law in the OCGA? If we are requesting court records, specifically ones that have been adjudicated and pertain to traffic and criminal traffic violations, is a court within it's rights to deny our request? Further more, what would be the proper way to request such information


Nothing in this post actually tells us who you are, why you want documents, why you think you are entitled, from whom you want to request them, and what documents you want.

What keeps car or bicycle tires in the right shape when they are pumped up to high pressure?

What keeps car or bicycle tires in the right shape when they are pumped up to high pressure?
the rubber is made to with stand the pressure to a certain point.hope dat helps

What did the 'I Love You' virus do to computers?

What did the 'I Love You' virus do to computers?
The person usually receives an email that ends in .vbs. Once theemail is opened the virus infects your computer and immediatelybegins to replicate and emails itself to all of the email addressesfound within an email address book.

Friday, April 25, 2014

Your blinkers flash fast when the headlights are on but work fine when they are off what would cause this?

Your blinkers flash fast when the headlights are on but work fine when they are off what would cause this?
Not sure what Kind of car this is, but usually if the blinkers run fast it's because you have a bulb burnt out. I'd check your tailights first.

Advantage of online adevertisement?

Advantage of online adevertisement?
- Its free-Open communication worldwide

In May of 2014, I signed a one year lease with a pair of people who live in Orlando. I was working for Universal at the time and needed an a...


In May of 2014, I signed a one year lease with a pair of people who live in Orlando. I was working for Universal at the time and needed an apartment to live in to go to work, so I signed the lease alongside them. About a month into the lease, I made a decision to leave Orlando and move back home to Jacksonville so that I could be with my girlfriend. I left a note, packed up, and left the complex. Every month since, I have payed portions of the rent if not half the rent to tide them over until they could find a replacement roommate. It's now January 2015, they haven't found a roommate, and are currently threatening a lawsuit if I can't pay them 2000, as they claim its the difference in rent I haven't paid in the past. What should I do and what legal responsibility do I have fir this amount they claimed to have calculatedf?


Your lease agreement controls your responsibilities. Impossible to answer any of your inquiries without seeing the lease. Hire an attorney to review and advise.

im having a baby in a few months and want to give it to my mom and stepdad what do I have to do


im having a baby in a few months and want to give it to my mom and stepdad what do I have to do


Hi, and thank you for your question.

If you want to give up your rights as your baby's mother, you would have to wait until the baby is born, and then you would sign a "Voluntary Relinquishment of Parental Rights". However, you should realize two things - First, by relinquishing your parental rights, the law will no longer recognize you as the child's mother and you will not be able to assert any rights to your child.. And, second, although you are relinquishing all of your rights as the mother of your child, you cannot sign away the father's rights. Therefore, you will have to get the child's father to also sign his own Voluntary Relinquishment of Parental Rights and if he refuses to give up his rights as the child's father, he can file a Complaint for Custody and if you have already signed away your rights as the child's mother, you will not be permitted to contest any Complaint for Custody which the child's father may file with the Court.

Best of luck,


What percentage of cruise ships sink in a year?

What percentage of cruise ships sink in a year?
None. No cruise ships sank in 2014.

If you got bad grades in your freshmansophomoreand junior year can I still get into usc?

If you got bad grades in your freshmansophomoreand junior year can I still get into usc?
NO!:( too bad for you

How do you become a famous singer like Hannah Montana?

How do you become a famous singer like Hannah Montana?
you show your bra on the internet and make a stupid show on youtube with your best friend !!! make a good singing video and then post it on youtube,then make sure that all famous rockstars see it make sure that like it ,then that sould start you off in a good i hope anybody out there that wants to become you all.

Who is Matt derdeyn?

Who is Matt derdeyn?
Mr. Matthew L. Derdeyn, also known as Matt has been Chief FinancialOfficer of Answers Corporation since January 2012

are salary employees considered exempt


are salary employees considered exempt


I've never understood the distinction.

What is the difference between a spool and a mini spool?

What is the difference between a spool and a mini spool?
If you are talking about a diff. A mini spool replaces the planetary gears in the diff centre. A full spool replaces the whole centre except the crown wheel.

What are the release dates for Pressure Point - 1962?

What are the release dates for Pressure Point - 1962?
Pressure Point - 1962 was released on:

USA: 10 October 1962 (New York City, New York)
Mexico: 11 July 1963
Sweden: 9 March 1964
Finland: 11 June 1965
Spain: 2 December 1971 (Madrid)
Spain: 29 May 1975 (Barcelona)
Portugal: 19 July 1986 (TV premiere)

We paid a welder/grill maker to build a grill on wheels for us. We paid $2,350 down approximately 1/2. We have seen other grills he has made...


We paid a welder/grill maker to build a grill on wheels for us. We paid $2,350 down approximately 1/2. We have seen other grills he has made and made a few alterations to his standard grill. He has put us off and off and we are not sure if there is even a grill or if he sold it to someone else to enhance his profit. What legal rights do we have. We cannot afford to just give 2350 away for the fun of it.


Did you get a receipt? A contract? You should first write him a demand letter, insisting that he return the money immediately or produce the grill by X date (a reasonable date to finish if you want the grill.) You can advise him that if he does not return the money or produce the grill by that date, it is your intention to go to the police and file a theft charge. Then, if X date comes without compliance, call the police to file a theft charge. Because of the amount, they should take it. (They may say it is a civil matter but the reality is that this is the kind of charge that is frequently filed - if one can just find the right cop. If the responding cop won't take the charge, then go to the police station and try. And / or contact your local prosecutor's office about filing charges. It really depends on the area you are in.)


As Ms. Henley says, this is a maybe criminal, maybe not situation. If he won't give you the grill and you can't get the case filed criminally, your only real option will be to sue him in JP court. You may well win in court (he might not even show up), but actually recovering the money in that situation is not always possible, and definitely not easy to do. What supposedly gets considered when the officer or the DA's office is deciding whether to file charges criminally is not just whether you got what you paid for, but whether the guy you paid had criminal intent at the moment he took your money. I guess the best way to explain that would be to say that it's probably not criminal if he had good intentions when he took the money, and really was going to follow through and do what he promised to, but he ran into problems of some sort later (he got a huge order and just hasnt been able to catch up, he or a family member got sick, he ran into a problem with a supplier, he got evicted from his shop, his wife left him and he turned into a total alcoholic and oops, he drank your money away). Often one thing that will be looked at closely is whether he has any kind of history of having done this to other people--a pattern of similar problems with other customers over a period of time tends to indicate his business is a fraud.

How to compel the Virginia State Police to release evidence that was knowling withheld before, during and after trial to insure a wrongful c...


How to compel the Virginia State Police to release evidence that was knowling withheld before, during and after trial to insure a wrongful conviction? Which we have proof that took place.


This is a matter for a competent and appropriately experienced criminal defense attorney to review and evaluate and I therefore suggest that you arrange for a consultation regarding your allegation(s) with such an attorney, and if for some reason the lawyer who presumably represented the one convicted is no longer available, or, perhaps, doesn't fit the description as to competence and experience, then you find one who does..

Thursday, April 24, 2014

What are the release dates for House by the River - 1950?

What are the release dates for House by the River - 1950?
House by the River - 1950 was released on:

USA: 25 March 1950
Australia: 11 August 1950
Chile: 1951
Sweden: 25 August 1951
Portugal: 29 May 1953
Denmark: 8 May 1957
West Germany: 29 August 1986 (TV premiere)
Finland: 11 March 2012 (TV premiere)

Can a real estate agent ask the sellers the questions on the Wisconsin Real Estate Condition report and check off the answers and have the s...


Can a real estate agent ask the sellers the questions on the Wisconsin Real Estate Condition report and check off the answers and have the sellers sign it


I see no reason why the real estate agent couldln't take down the information and fill in the Condition Report for the Sellers, but the Sellers would certainly be protecting themselves to read over the answers that have been entered and assure themselves that everything has been answered absolutely correct. By signing, the Sellers are saying that "these are my answers to these questions, and they are correct."

My car was vandalized. I live in an apartment complex. Can I put up a camera from my window pointing out on my driveway where I park my vehi...


My car was vandalized. I live in an apartment complex. Can I put up a camera from my window pointing out on my driveway where I park my vehicle so that it does not happen again?


Pointing a camera out your window won't guarantee that it will not happen again. You might be able to photograph the culprit, though. You should check your rental agreement and the rules to make sure that using a camera and mounting it won't violate either one.

can an employer force their employees to exempt for the whole year by signing a waiver, if employee only wants to exempt for a period of pay...


can an employer force their employees to exempt for the whole year by signing a waiver, if employee only wants to exempt for a period of pay period s because of hardship


Exempt for what? From overtime? Who is employer and what is position? Feel free to call or e-mail me to discuss further.





Yes-you name a successor trustee to yourself and make the mentioned accounts as beneficiaries of the trust.

Special language is needed in the trust to avoid a tax problem.


Seek legal help with this issue not an online forum help.

If an 85 year old person purchases a car and has a mortgage on their home and they die before the car loan is paid off, will the mortgaged h...


If an 85 year old person purchases a car and has a mortgage on their home and they die before the car loan is paid off, will the mortgaged home be subject to being forfeited?


Your question is a bit unclear. A car loan is generally secured against the car not the home. If the 85 year old took a home equity loan against the home, then the estate will be given some time to sell the home or if a family member is inheriting the loan, they can assume the loan.

I suggest you seek assistance from an attorney with the probate and the loan.

Why Employees at Enron were reluctant to push their concerns because of the culture of that characterized upper management?

Why Employees at Enron were reluctant to push their concerns because of the culture of that characterized upper management?

I moved out of a home over 30 days ago and my landlord has not returned my security deposit nor has he given me a written notice of the reas...


I moved out of a home over 30 days ago and my landlord has not returned my security deposit nor has he given me a written notice of the reason why he is holding the deposit. I gave 30 day notice with forwarding address. and just recently sent them a letter asking for the deposit back within a week. I sent this certified mail for proof I am trying to contact and settle this out of court. I was told by a housing advocacy agency that if I would file a complaint in district court and only request the initial deposit and filing/service fees be refunded that my landlords cannot speak on their defense since they violated PA law and our lease. If I asked for double the security deposit they can have defense and appeal. I cannot find this in writing anywhere. Please direct me as I want to settle this efficiently and avoid going to common pleas court, in which case I would feel that a legal representative would be needed. Thank you.


Yes if you notified the landlord of you new address then he has 30 days to refund the deposit. If he doesn't you can take him to the DJ and get your security deposit back plus your filing costs. Under the law you could ask for double your deposit back.but if you do then you landlord can ask for damages which he can't if you only ask for the deposit back. The good news this is something you can do yourself., An attorney wouldn't be cost effective. The problem is for about $200 the landlord can take you to common pleas. Then you have 20 days to file a complaint in Common Pleas court. Not something you could do on your own. However, i call me we can discuss how to handle it on on a more cost efficient basis.


July2014 my boyfriend was arrested on 2 counts of vop plus he caught 19 new charges of false verification to a recycling place and false ide...


July2014 my boyfriend was arrested on 2 counts of vop plus he caught 19 new charges of false verification to a recycling place and false identification to a recycling place... after months of waiting and still no offer from the state and pre trial is just weeks away, the state filed a motion for fingerprints at his last court. what does that mean? im not understanding why they needed more fingerprints?


There's really no way an attorney on here can answer your question as there are just too many factors involved in what it may mean. The person that knows is his attorney, so I would advise you talk to his attorney or have your boyfriend talk to them and ask them.

Difference between speculation and hedging strategies?

Difference between speculation and hedging strategies?
Both can be explained with reference to signing a futures contract to deliver or buy a commodity at a future date. Hedging refers to locking in a future price for the commodity in order to minimize risk. It is a form of diversification, since typically the signer does not hedge with all of the product that he or she wants to buy or sell. Speculation, on the other hand, refers to agreeing to a futures contract in order to profit by taking risks. Since not all of the speculator's portfolio may not be at risk, this activity can involve diversification.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

For many years American referred to the people s' Republic of China as Communist China Why would that label be misleading today?

For many years American referred to the people s' Republic of China as Communist China Why would that label be misleading today?
Now there is only one China in the world -- People's Republic of China or PRC for short, Taiwan is province of PRC, so there isn't communist China or capitalism China or other China. Only one China is PRC, HKSAR, the Macao Special Administrative Region and Taiiwan province are parts of PRC. so 'Communist China' may be a misleading.


Where did Bic Pens Originate?

Where did Bic Pens Originate?

Why your 95 Mazda runs to slow when you press the acelerator?

Why your 95 Mazda runs to slow when you press the acelerator?
Because Mazdas are slow

Why do companies like to go global?

Why do companies like to go global?
DO you know why companies like to go global if you do please answer the question!

bought a truck a couple of days ago . dealer called and said I needed to send proof of income for 2 months before transaction can b complete...


bought a truck a couple of days ago . dealer called and said I needed to send proof of income for 2 months before transaction can b completed and they could get paid by the bank. contract was signed but can I return truck legally


This could be a yo-yo deal. Customers are the yo-yo in that they are forced to return again and again to re-do the deal. The newer deal will not be in your favor or the dealer might just want to churn the vehicle and reposses the vehicle. This is a classic scam so prevalent in Michigan that the Michigan Secretary of State made a rule in 2006 that dealers must be the creditors if the deal falls through.

If you signed documents where you were financing the vehicle and you then were handed the keys and drove off the lot, the financing is guaranteed by law. A dealer cannot call you up and tell you the deal fell through, or the financing fell through, or the bank didn't accept it. If that is in fact true (and sometimes it is not) then the dealer must finance you. You must pay the dealer your monthly payment.

You have no obligation to return the truck but you should take action to secure your rights because a dealer may make things up. Write down everything you heard and said during the sale. Make sure you keep all documents regarding the sale (all paperwork you received) at your home, do not keep them in the car. This includes any title you have as well. Make payments to the dealer. If they don't take payments it would be wise to document this in some manner. Take photos of the vehicle to establish the condition at the time and the mileage.

Dealers will tell you that you did something wrong or lied about something, but the real issue is usually that they didn't like the offer to finance received from the finance company. It is not always a denial for something about you. Sometimes financing was rejected but that is normally because the dealer dropped the ball by not conducting due diligence. Still that is their problem. Be careful though to ensure you make your payment on the vehicle and keep it insured.

How old is Betty White from the Golden Girls?

How old is Betty White from the Golden Girls?
She is 89 years old, having been born in 1922, on the 17th January.

I'm serving active duty and my projected transfer is in November. It is currently March 28. The house my wife and I live in was recently sol...


I'm serving active duty and my projected transfer is in November. It is currently March 28. The house my wife and I live in was recently sold and we need to move out by May 1. Pretty much all of the apartments we've found require a 1 year lease to be signed. If I have orders in hand by October/November can we be released from the lease?


talk to you local JAG office. The service-member's civil relef act allows for the cancellation of leases with appropriate military orders. Your JAG Office can give you the details of how to make this effective.

Why after replacing my battery does it shut off when i turn the ac on?

Why after replacing my battery does it shut off when i turn the ac on?
t is probable that your wires are not properly grounded. Check the wiring and ensure that they are properly grounded. Antolin Andrew Marks.

Should people still stay home with the common cold or do what they have plan like a trip or event to go to?

Should people still stay home with the common cold or do what they have plan like a trip or event to go to?
If you have a cold, it is best to stay home, sleep, take medicine such as Tylenol and other cold medicines, read, take vitamins, or watch T.V and relax. You shouldn't be outside planning an event, that could just make the cold worse. You may also get other people sick, so it's probably not the best idea.

What does it mean when your car bucks?

What does it mean when your car bucks?
This means when your car jerks very hard.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

I recently found out that the cemetery removed my mothers headstone due to a balance due on the burial from 40 years ago. They want the bala...

What transport was like in 1948?

What transport was like in 1948?
Transportation in 1948 was not much different than it is now. Therewere airplanes, cars, trains, and even ships. However, newer modelsof these types of transportation have developed over the years.

contractI have a contract between my ex-boyfriend, myself and my daughter. He owes her 20,000 approximately. He has property in Milledgevil...



I have a contract between my ex-boyfriend, myself and my daughter. He owes her 20,000 approximately. He has property in Milledgeville, GA. What procedure do I take to get her money?


Re: contract

You and/or your daughter will probably need to file suit for breach of contract against him. Because of the amount, you would not be bale to bring the action in small claims court, so I would recommend that you get an attorney and file in state court. Once you get a judgment, you can begin collecting on it.

If you would like to discuss any issues further, please feel free to contact my office. My contact information is below. Thank you.

The foregoing is general information only, not specific legal advice. No attorney/client relation has been created or should be implied.


Re: contract

You will need to sue him in the county of his residence and get a judgment before you can go after his property.


Re: contract

The procedure is to hire a lawyer. Even if we could get much from 2-3 sentences about a contratc of some sort, guiding you through a lawsuit, lien on property and other issues is far beyond the scope of this board.

Is it possible for my mom to remain in the country after being arrested for larceny from the person? she stole a wallet that was left at a s...


Is it possible for my mom to remain in the country after being arrested for larceny from the person? she stole a wallet that was left at a store and she didn't go to court so they put a warrant out for her arrest and they caught her. she didn't go to court because she didn't want to get deported and leave me here while i was sick. I am a 5 year cancer patient post transplant for Leukemia ALL and she is the one who takes me to the doctor, my dad is in mexico so its very important the she remains here! could her chances of remaining here improve because what i have explained? And can anybody help?


Good morning. There might be help for your mother but under very specific circumstances. I would need a lot more information. For example, how old are you? What is your current prognosis? What is your immigration status? Has your mom had any immigration status in the U.S. before? Is her criminal trial over? Please call me at (248) 619-0065 for free consultation.

Can I answer a summons (credit card debt) for my fiance? I accepted the papers from the server and was wondering if I can prepare an answer ...


Can I answer a summons (credit card debt) for my fiance? I accepted the papers from the server and was wondering if I can prepare an answer on his behalf? I am in Nebraska - Thanks!


No, that would be the unauthorized practice of law.

En un mar o en un oceano hay?

En un mar o en un oceano hay?
English translation:
In the sea or in the ocean there is?

What wouls someon need to expect as a beginner in the field or marketing?

What wouls someon need to expect as a beginner in the field or marketing?
Someone who can spell "would", "someone" and "of" instead of what is written above in the question.

how much rent increase per year


how much rent increase per year


LawGuru key word search engine not

I work in a draw vs commission environment in nyc. As a full timer, I am required to work one hour off the sales floor to do non sales relat...


I work in a draw vs commission environment in nyc. As a full timer, I am required to work one hour off the sales floor to do non sales related tasks. Then 15 minutes before the end of the shift we are required to do some more non sales related tasks. Is there any part of the nyc labor law that protects us from doing these tasks without proper pay? If so, can a class action be filed against the company to recoup lost wages?


Well, the answer to your question is not completely clear based upon the information you provided. If you have a pretty good paying commission job in a retail store (say you are making 800-1000 a week or more and are not working more than 45 to 50 hours) if part of the requirement of the job is you spend time off the floor (where you earn no commission) it is likely OK because your overall pay is far higher than the minimum wage. Of course if you had a union contract (like some of the bigger NYC older stores do) you could have some additional protections. Feel free ot check out my website, or drop me an email with further details on your hours and pay.

What are the indicators of HRD climate in a healthcare institution?

What are the indicators of HRD climate in a healthcare institution?
LAVDa lasoon

My husband operates his own roofing business. He carries insurance on himself, and the business. He hires people to work with him as indepen...


My husband operates his own roofing business. He carries insurance on himself, and the business. He hires people to work with him as independent contractors, if they are injured on the job site is he responsible to pay their medical bills?


The answer to that question often depends on the relationship between the owner and the independent contractors---whether they are truly independent or whether he directs and controls them as employees. Proper contracts should be drawn up with these contractors and you should consult with your insurance agent to see that your properly covered for all situations.

I am trying to calculate the amount to place on the form Probate-Petition for Letters of Administration Under the Independent Administration...


I am trying to calculate the amount to place on the form Probate-Petition for Letters of Administration Under the Independent Administration of Estates Act-Limited Authority, County of Alameda, CA; Question 2.d.(3). There are 6 beneficiaries, 3 adult children and 3 adult grandchildren (children of decedent's children). Only the 3 adult children have signed the waiver of bond, the 3 grandchildren are not signing the waiver of bond, which means a bond has to be posted? How do you calculate the amount for 2.d.(3), which asks for $____ in deposits in a blocked account be allowed. Receipts will be filed; (specify institution and location). The decedent's assets are $approx. $68.000.00 in cash balance of a checking account and two real properties (two houses) valued at approx. $720,000.00. What $ amount goes in that box, 2.d.(3) on the probate form? Please, help!


Is there some reason you have decided to file a probate without an attorney? It sounds as if you may encounter some trouble with at least 3 of your siblings, who are being uncooperative at the outset and costing the estate money by forcing a bond. Especially in Alameda County, you should hire an attorney to guide you through this very difficult process.

With that said, yes, you will need to post a bond. Line 2.d.(3) is not the correct line to use, unless you have sufficient cash assets to cover the value of the real property, which it does not appear to be the case. The bond should be a minimum of $720,000 (the value of the real property), or at least that is my experience with the Judge in Alameda County.

can custodial parent withhold their phone number and address secret from non custodial parent for no good reason? Don't I have the right to...


can custodial parent withhold their phone number and address secret from non custodial parent for no good reason? Don't I have the right to know where my child lives and how to get in touch with her?


You have a right to this information. Demand the same with a deadline in writing and return to court requesting this exchange of information to be a requirement and part of your parenting court order if the information is not provided.

I signed a residential purchase agreement for a home that was listed by a realtor licensed through a broker that is a very common name in Ca...


I signed a residential purchase agreement for a home that was listed by a realtor licensed through a broker that is a very common name in California . Escrow was opened after the contract was executed by the seller, and I deposited an earnest money deposit of $5,000 within the timeframe required under the contract into the broker's escrow account. Less than a week later the listing agent calls my agent to let us know that the person who executed the does not hold the actual title to the house and that the deal is not valid and that I can come get my earnest money deposit back from escrow. I want the house, and do not want to back out of the agreement or take my money back. What are my options?


The first thing to do is find out if what you are being told is true, that the seller does not have title. If that is true, then there is no way you can legally get the house unless there is some connection between the purported seller and the true owner that would bind the true owner to the contract. That evaluation is WAY too complicated to do via an internet Q&A forum. Assuming you can't tie the owner to the contract, then your only remedy is to get your earnest money back and sue the purported seller for breach of contract and possibly fraud, and hope they have the money to satisfy whatever judgment you may get.

What are the Emerging issues in production operation management?

What are the Emerging issues in production operation management?
1.manufacture,procurement,environment, diss arable

Why proper staffing is requird for organization?

Why proper staffing is requird for organization?
Proper staffing is required because people are a vital part of running an organisation. Ideally, staff will be appropriately skilled and experienced in the work of the organisation and motivated to deliver its goals. Staff are our greatest asset should not be an empty cliche but a statement of fact.

Great Lakes- St Lawrence Industries?

Great Lakes- St Lawrence Industries?
farming like eggs,chicken,and food

if someone files a lien against me for a debt that I owe them, what does this give them the right to do? can they empty my bank account? can...


if someone files a lien against me for a debt that I owe them, what does this give them the right to do? can they empty my bank account? can they impound my car? can they claim possession of my belongings? other nasty things?


If someone goes to court and gets a judgment against you and files a lien, or if someone such as a tax agency files a lien, this gives the lienholder the right to the money from any real estate you sell in the county where the lien is filed, and if you have equity in real property to which the lien attaches, the lien will survive any bankruptcy filing. A judgment by itself gives a judgment creditor the right to tap your bank account, garnish your wages, and possibly levy upon your vehicles and other personal property.

Important rules to follow other than having no idea?

Important rules to follow other than having no idea?
Show respect to and for all things

What are the notes called above and below the Grand staff?

What are the notes called above and below the Grand staff?
Ledger lines.

Did mercury make a comet pick up truck?

Did mercury make a comet pick up truck?
no they did not, bob the builder did.

Mercury did build pick up trucks for a few years in the mid to late 1940's.

Monday, April 21, 2014

On Jan 9, 2015 I received a bill for a doctor for services rendered in 2007. I never received a bill before from him. Am I obligated to pay ...


On Jan 9, 2015 I received a bill for a doctor for services rendered in 2007. I never received a bill before from him. Am I obligated to pay this bill?


Unless you made payments on it in the past 6 years, no. That's beyond the statute of limitations. You may want to have a lawyer send them a "drop dead" letter.


Attorney Ashman is correct in the strictly legal sense. If services were rendered in 2007 and no payment has been made since that time, the statute of limitations has expired because its been over 6 years.

But then there is the moral aspect here. Are you obligated? Not in the legal sense but the statute of limitation is only a defense that is raised in court in the event that you are sued. It does not mean that the debt does not exist or that payment thereon cannot be requested.

And if you received the actual services and decide not to pay, that is a really crappy thing to

do. How would you like it if you provided a service to your customer and they did not pay you? Moreover, the doctor will be totally justified in refusing to provide you any further service until the old bill is paid. Maybe you don't care; there are plenty of other doctors. But if you make this a habit, word will eventually make its way around and you will run out of doctors to welch on.

Should you pay? Up to you. I make no judgments as to morals or lack thereof. If you decide to pay, I would recommend that you do it in the right way. You do not want this on your credit report if your credit rating is otherwise good. You could offer to do a pay for delete if all negative information about the debt is removed from your credit report (check your credit report first!). If you don't have the full amount but still feel obligated to pay something, then offer 25% to settle-in-full but in no even more than 50%. If you settle for less than the balance, get it in writing first. Make the payment by certified/cashier's check or money order and make a copy of it before you send it off. And don't send by regular or even certified mail; send only via UPS/FedEx so you can verify payment was received. Get a followup letter acknowledging the payment and that no further balance is owed and there will be no further collection efforts. Keep the letters and copy of the payment FOREVER.

Of course, there is always Attorney Ashman's suggestion as well - you can google sample "drop dead" letters (a drop dead letter in essence tells a creditor to "drop dead" because you are not paying the debt). Or you can hire an attorney like me or Attorney Ashman if he is willing to send one for you. Please contact me at [email protected]/* */ if interested in discussing this further.

What are the rules in naming ternary compound?

What are the rules in naming ternary compound?
aba ..,malay ko.._

What was a luxury car in 1958?

What was a luxury car in 1958?
Fiat Punto

I was injured at work. I exhausted my fmla light duty (according to them). I was told that the only way I could work with the restrictions...


I was injured at work. I exhausted my fmla & light duty (according to them). I was told that the only way I could work with the restrictions I had was to take a part time position--so I did. Now workers comp is saying that because I "chose" to be part time--they are not paying me anymore. I'm restricted to a max of 16hrs a week--I can not live off that. Is there anything I can do?



If you are not at maximum medical improvement and are working part time, you are entitled to TPD (Temporary Partial Disability) payments that will basically insure you are paid the same as when you were off-work entirely and getting TTD (Temporary Total Disability) payments from workers' comp.

You may have exhausted FMLA but that is really irrelevant to your present circumstances. FMLA is a federal law requiring you to be provided with "leave" from work due to a medical issue. Your issue is: your right to weekly wage replacement benefits.

In Illinois, your right to TPD (or TTD) payments NEVER runs-out as long as your medical condition has not stabilized.

You should hire a lawyer.

Good luck,

Matt Belcher

President-elect WILG dot org


What is blank paper?

What is blank paper?
Paper is an object made out of cellulose fiber, usually of wood, and it has unusual dimensions. 8 inches by 10 inches is it's approximate length and width, but the depth is very small, not able to be measured adequately by such standard units as inches, or even millimeters. It often comes in other lengths and widths, but it's thinness is always the same. (Well, even the thinness can vary, but for practical purposes, not by much.)

While often times it comes with things already printed on it - such as words or pictures - it can come without any of those things. Then we call it "Blank Paper", to signify that it is not yet marked upon.

Such blank papers can be obtained in packets, or if one wishes, an entire book of blank paper may be had. These are popular for private diaries. Ordinary loose blank paper is popular for writing notes and doing mathematical computations without a calculator. In some cases, it is used as an aid to pass time or brainstorm, and in those cases, random drawings called "doodles" are marked upon it.

Some papers have lines drawn on them in a neat and orderly fashion, and some people like this because they can then write between those lines guaranteeing a uniform height of the letters. Others find such lined paper to be handy for keeping a ledger.

Purists would not refer to "lined paper" as "blank paper", though "lined paper" may be refered to as "blank" in the sense that no additional marks have been placed upon it.

Can insurance be denied if you rent your home?

Can insurance be denied if you rent your home?
What kind of Insurance?

My dad died and left the house to my brother who is also the executor. there is an equity loan for $200 thousand dollars on a house that was...


My dad died and left the house to my brother who is also the executor. there is an equity loan for $200 thousand dollars on a house that was recently devalued at $298,000. My brother is not working is he going to be able to get the house in his name?


I would need nor detail ie is there a will and if so has it been filed with the probate and family court


Thank you for your question, and I'm sorry to hear you have lost your father.

According to your description, your brother will inherit the property under your father's will. Whether he can afford to maintain the home, or will need to rent it, or will need to sell it, or will be able to refinance the loan obligation, or will need to find a roommate or get a better job is unknown.

What are the release dates for The League of Ordinary Gamers - 2012 Interventions - 1.4?

What are the release dates for The League of Ordinary Gamers - 2012 Interventions - 1.4?
The League of Ordinary Gamers - 2012 Interventions - 1.4 was released on:

USA: 1 March 2012

Are there any US laws that prevent 3rd party manufacturers from making/selling accessory products that are designed to work in conjunction w...


Are there any US laws that prevent 3rd party manufacturers from making/selling accessory products that are designed to work in conjunction with another manufacturer's patented/copyrighted product so long as the design/circuitry of said accessory products do not violate the design/circuitry of any other patent/copyright protected products?


You'll find numerous examples of 3rd party "plug compatible" or even downloadable software products that seem to fit the description. Also, I can plug my Thorens turntable into my McIntosh amplifier. There was a time when the old Bell System tried to keep people from adding accessories to their telephones....I once had an answering machine that avoided Bell's wiring by mechanically lifting the receiver and acoustically listening to and recording the incoming message. I think this was based on a threat of contract invalidation rather than any law, but in any case we now have all kinds of gear that attaches electrically to the phone line. So, I can't categorically state that there are NO laws - there's probably one or more somewhere on the books, protecting this or that special interest. However, if you look at the huge number of user-connectable devices from different manufacturers, I think it's readily apparent that most accessory products are legally OK.

Can a subcontractor terminate a contract with the general contractor before any work had commenced?


Can a subcontractor terminate a contract with the general contractor before any work had commenced?


That depends upon the terms and conditions of the contract between the parties.

If you are involved in legal action and the plaintiff does not show up for the hearing on time and the case is dismissed can papers just be ...


If you are involved in legal action and the plaintiff does not show up for the hearing on time and the case is dismissed can papers just be filed to reopen the case without new evidence.


Yes. Actually, the judge is not supposed to dismiss a case just because the other party is late. The case will likely be reinstated or re-filed. The dismissal should have been "without prejudice" meaning it can be re-filed. If the judge dismissss "with prejudice"-meaning it can't ne re-filed, then the judge violated the court rules and case law.


it will depend on whether the judge dismisses the case with or without prejudice.

What are insulators?

What are insulators?
An insulator, also called a dielectric, is a material that resists the flow of electric current. An insulating material has atoms with tightly bonded valence electrons. These materials are used in parts of electrical equipment, also called insulators or insulation, intended to support or separate electrical conductors without passing current through themselves. The term is often used more specifically to refer to insulating supports that attach electric power transmission wires to utility poles or pylons.

they keep ur house warm in winter

What is resilience theory?

What is resilience theory?

Psychological Resilience is the positive capacity of people to cope with stress and adversity.

Companies should be penalized in their domestic business dealings because of where they do business abroad why?

Companies should be penalized in their domestic business dealings because of where they do business abroad why?
On the production and purchasing side, they are hurting the local economy by spending money in another country instead of locally.

On the sales side they should be encouraged to sell internationally as it brings money into the local economy.

I received a check from insurance company for a rental property fire. The check is made out to the mortgage company and me. Is there anyway ...


I received a check from insurance company for a rental property fire. The check is made out to the mortgage company and me. Is there anyway I can keep money without doing the repairs?


Yes, followed by getting sued and then possibly going to jail for fraud. Do you think you can steal the lender's money, leaving them with damaged collateral? No.


If you want to go to jail or get sued by the lender, yes.

Otherwise no.

Read your loan papers now (you should have read them when you signed). The answer was already in those papers.

Euro car parts do it have any connection euro car parks?

Euro car parts do it have any connection euro car parks?
No, Euro Car Parts are the Uks largest car parts supplier, owned by the LKQ Corporation (Of Chicago, USA) They have 100 branches across the UK, a distribution centre in the midlands, and their head office is based in Wembley, London.

What are the release dates for All About Android - 2011?

What are the release dates for All About Android - 2011?
All About Android - 2011 was released on:

USA: 29 March 2011

Sunday, April 20, 2014

My landlord removed a piece of my personal property from a common area, cut off the lock and went through it then threw it in the garbage tr...


My landlord removed a piece of my personal property from a common area, cut off the lock and went through it then threw it in the garbage truck. They did not send me a written notice to remove (which they admitted to me they didn't send one) or i would have removed. They seem to not want to pay any reimbursement, is this legal for them to do?


More facts would be needed to answer this inquiry. The items was in a common area, but it was locked up? Like a bicycle? If there are rules about not having the items where they were, they likely don't have any responsibility to notify you to remove it. If items were allowed to accumulate in this space without warning or other removals, notice may be implied by the law. Discuss with an attorney if the item is valuable enough to justify the pursuit.

When I go to a medical Office to see a doctor , I must first sign the standard medical agreement papers that the receptionist gives me, befo...


When I go to a medical Office to see a doctor , I must first sign the standard medical agreement papers that the receptionist gives me, before I see a doctor.

So, I consider that, a Written Contract, amongst me and them.

If the doctor(s) and/or the RNA (doctor's assistant) do something wrong (give wrong dosage prescription, I get side effects at home, etc.) and I sustain physical/mental/emotional injuries afterwards when I go home, and then I intend to sue the Medical Office, can I sue for Breach of Written contract (that resulted in physical injuries, which Appellate athorities have stated that pain-and-suffering damages are warranted), because I had signed a written agreement with them, before they performed negative medical procedures on me.

I know that its Medical Malpractice claim, but this happened 3 1/2 years ago, and a Medical Malpractice cause of action is 1 year.

I want to sue for Breach of Written contract, because it has a 4-year Statute of Limitations, and then amend my complaint to add four causes of actions= 1.)Personal Injury ; 2.) Negligent Infliction of Emotional Distress; 3.) Medical Malpractice; and 4.) Negligence, based on same injuries, same parties, same offending instrument(s).

Would defendants be succesful in demurring, by stating that the statute of limitations have expired, and that the gravamen of Plaintiff's suit is that of a Medical malpractice claim?

Or, would I have grounds for a Breach of Written contract claim against the medical office, since we did enter into a written contract agreement, for medical performances that were not in accordance to medical standards.


The doctor's malpractice carrier has a law firm that will handle that. They will most likely demur, and the demurrer will be sustained without leave to amend.


Agreed .. You might consider them a written contract but the courts won't. The damages under the contract are what? The payment made for services? No you want injuries which no matter what you call it us still malpractice. No matter how you spin it, this us a malpractice case that has gone past the Statute of Limitations.. You will lose at demurrer and wasted your filing fee

What are the release dates for Hypertension - 2012 - V?

What are the release dates for Hypertension - 2012 - V?
Hypertension - 2012 - V was released on:

USA: 14 October 2013 (internet)

Why do some firms obtain grater value from their information system than others?

Why do some firms obtain grater value from their information system than others?
Information systems go beyond the mere capturing of data and their subsequent transformation to information, that is, processed data. Present day information systems deals with timeliness and fact reporting.Every organisation requires a very strong Information department which should continously work to send out quality amount of information at the right dosage and to the right person, place, market or Governments.Most firms fail to fully benefit from the information systems age because such organisations gives informatin to its publics but receive interractions from inappropriate quarters. Once this is the case, such organisations only promote information mismatch rather information management.People seek out new opportunities everyday and the hope to succeed in their quest hinges on the right type of information. Thus, only those organisations that knows exactly what the people want and are able to idenify these needs through their campaigns will obtain yhe greater value in the long run. Just few organiatins have been able to carve a niche for themselves in the ever growing markets flanked by increasing demands. What is their biggest secret? Right information for the right people in the right place and at the right time is their trademark secret. With this instrument at your finger tips, you will keep corporate failure at bay in a long, long time.Information systems go beyond the mere capturing of data and their subsequent transformation to information, that is, processed data. Present day information systems deals with timeliness and fact reporting.Every organisation requires a very strong Information department which should continously work to send out quality amount of information at the right dosage and to the right person, place, market or Governments.Most firms fail to fully benefit from the information systems age because such organisations gives informatin to its publics but receive interractions from inappropriate quarters. Once this is the case, such organisations only promote information mismatch rather information management.People seek out new opportunities everyday and the hope to succeed in their quest hinges on the right type of information. Thus, only those organisations that knows exactly what the people want and are able to idenify these needs through their campaigns will obtain the greater value in the long run. Just few organisations have been able to carve a niche for themselves in the ever growing markets flanked by increasing demands. What is their biggest secret? Right information for the right people in the right place and at the right time is their trademark secret. With this instrument at your finger tips, you will keep corporate failure at bay in a long, long time.IKISEH, FRANKLIN C.Information systems go beyond the mere capturing of data and their subsequent transformation to information, that is, processe

A local gym places signs on close to building parking spaces that say "restricted for parents with small children". How enforceable is this?...


A local gym places signs on close to building parking spaces that say "restricted for parents with small children". How enforceable is this? I have no children and I arrive and leave every day at the gym well before the day care center opens. What can they do? I received a notice on my car that states that my vehicle and license plate have been recorded.


Presumably this would be private property. The concern would be why you choose deliberately to break the gym's rule rather than respect it. You could hypothetically ask of management that a time frame be placed on the signs.

Tricia Dwyer Esq.

ph 612-296-9666

Tricia Dwyer Esq & Assoc PLLC

My mother passed away when I was 16. My maternal Grandparents had me sign a paper, where I basically gave up my claim to my mothers property...


My mother passed away when I was 16. My maternal Grandparents had me sign a paper, where I basically gave up my claim to my mothers property. Her husband at he time of her death (my stepfather) is in ill health. Do I / Will I have a claim against his estate?


I have no idea what type of paper you could have signed at the age of 16 that would be binding. You would probably have no claim against your stepfather's estate. You didn't say if your grandmother was living. Simply too many questions to give you a response. You need to take speak with an attorney and provide all of the needed information needed to give you advice as to your rights.


If you signed that at age 16, it's void. You need to meet with an attorney about your mother's estate if she has passed (do that right away). You would not inherit from a step-father unless you are in his will.

My employer has put me in over draft which ended up closing one of my bank accounts and he will not pay the money until I give him complete ...


My employer has put me in over draft which ended up closing one of my bank accounts and he will not pay the money until I give him complete access to my new bank account so he can monitor things. I was wondering if that is against the law especially if I keep denying him.


Your post is unclear but I gather your paycheck bounced. That makes your employer a criminal. If he won't pay up, have him arrested or get a lawyer to sue him. And find another job. Obviously no one should give a criminal access to your checking account. Why have you not put him in jail?

Can you sue someone for giving you a std (Genetal Herpes) who knew they had it and never told you In Florida?


Can you sue someone for giving you a std (Genetal Herpes) who knew they had it and never told you In Florida?


I guess you mean is it illegal? If so, the answer is that no one can knowingly give another person an STD without your consent.

Saturday, April 19, 2014

What year did it become compulsory to wear seat belts in England?

What year did it become compulsory to wear seat belts in England?

Its a prime number less then 19 sum of the digits is greater the 7?

Its a prime number less then 19 sum of the digits is greater the 7?
Ummm... If I am correctly interpreting the question to be asking for a prime number less than 19, whose digits added together are greater than 7, then the answer is 17. There really aren't many options here (1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17), only three of which even have multiple digits (11, 13, 17). So... 17<19, and 1+7 = 8, 8>7. qed?

Hello. I am starting a business. I am a sole proprietor. I have an internet business and I will offer my service to people in the United Sta...


Hello. I am starting a business. I am a sole proprietor. I have an internet business and I will offer my service to people in the United States. I registered the business and registered the trade name in the county where I am located. I do not have locations in other states. I am assuming that I do not have to register the business in other states because I don't have an llc or corporation. I am assuming that I don't have to register the trade name in other states because I am engaged in interstate commerce only and the state statutes say that if people are engaged in interstate commerce, they are not doing business with them. Do you agree that I do not have to register the trade name in other states if their statute says that? Also, if I place ads in the classifieds in other states, does that mean that I am doing business with those states? Thank you. Have a great day.


Depending on what you are providing, conducting any business these days without a liability shield is almost always a bad idea. But assuming you are not terribly exposed, you likely will not need to register in other jurisdiction unless you are considered to be conducting business in those places. But a service business over the web is very likely not going to be considered business activity in other places.

That said, you assumptions about the trade name are not correct. Assuming you are using a distinctive name that is serving as a trademark you need to properly clear that before you start investing in it. Whenever you endeavor into investing in a trademark it is very important that you conduct the proper clearance due diligence upfront and before you start spending any money in support of it or submit an application to the USPTO. In the US, this means searching under both federal (USPTO) as well as common law because trademark rights stem from use in this country NOT registration. This means that acquiring a federal registration does not necessarily mean that you are not infringing on another's intellectual property. See the links below:

If you would like to discuss further over a free phone consult, feel free to contact me anytime that is convenient.

Our firm is now referred by the American Bar Association (see under the New York section):

Kind regards,



[email protected]/* */

DISCLAIMER: this is not intended to be specific legal advice and should not be relied upon as such. No attorney-client relationship is formed on the basis of this posting.

I am the Successor / Trustee of my grandfathers estate ( he lived in Texas). He left everything to me and stated in his Will that I was able...


I am the Successor / Trustee of my grandfathers estate ( he lived in Texas). He left everything to me and stated in his Will that I was able to do what needed to be done with the home and the belongings. Question is: Does this need to go to probate court or is it all said and done? Also, he had a son but took him off the will and only left him furnishings from the home. It was also stated in his will that if any contested it they would receive the sum of $1.00 from his estate.


You're going to need to go through probate. If not, the son can claim under intestacy. You will have no valid proof (backed by a court order) that you have the right to act on behalf of the estate unless you go through the probate process. Luckily, the process in Texas is rather straightforward.

For more information, please visit our website:

Also, please read our disclaimer:

Can an employer mandate employees attend a holiday celebration - away from work but during work hours?


Can an employer mandate employees attend a holiday celebration - away from work but during work hours?


Are you getting paid for it? What would you do otherwise? Is the business closed at the time? Are you being forced to participate in a religious activity that you don't agree with? Most people would like a paid holiday party. What is the whole story?

What figure will you be left with after sharing 700.000.000.000 billionbetween 400.000.000million?

What figure will you be left with after sharing 700.000.000.000 billionbetween 400.000.000million?

Can I copyright a pseudonym and retain all rights to the work, as well as ensure confidentiality/anonymity? If so, how?


Can I copyright a pseudonym and retain all rights to the work, as well as ensure confidentiality/anonymity? If so, how?


You register the copyright for a work of authorship, not the name under which the work is developed. You can use any name you wish to register the work.

There is a box on the copyright registration form asking whether the name given for registration is a pseudonym. Check the box.


My husband has an upcoming project that will make him millions of dollars. We have been together for 10 years. He has been working on this f...


My husband has an upcoming project that will make him millions of dollars. We have been together for 10 years. He has been working on this for the last three. He has become emotional abusive and physical. I really am considering divorce. I am afraid I will not see a penny of this project by divorcing him before it happens.


You need to consult with an attorney about your options.

If you divorce before the money happens, you probably won't get it.

You cannot divide something that does not yet exist.

I'm sure that he will argue that you don't deserve it.

Mediation might be an option for you.

Look on this website and for an attorney in your area.



Based on what you have written, there are a few questions which would require more specific clarifications. Where do you and your husband live? When were you and your husband married? Who owns the project your husband is working on (e.g. does your husband own his own business or does your husband work for a company)? Why do you believe that you will not see a penny of this project if you divorce his before the project happens? These and many other questions would need specific answers to prior to being able to provide you with a clear and direct path to proceed down in your situation. Should you desire, you may want to consider consulting with a law firm. You may contact us to schedule a consultation. The firm's contact information may be found by conducting a simple search via the internet. This site does not agree with law firm posting direct contact information in response to questions such as yours.

The above response given is not intended to create, nor does it create an on-going duty to respond to questions. Additionally, the response does not form an attorney-client relationship, nor is it intended to be anything other than an educated opinion. It should not be relied upon as legal advice. The response given is based upon the limited facts provided by the person asking the question. To the extent additional or different facts exist, the response might possibly change.

My boss cusses at me all the time, he belittles me in front of everyone. I am salary but yet i have to clock in. Every day he is constantly ...


My boss cusses at me all the time, he belittles me in front of everyone. I am salary but yet i have to clock in. Every day he is constantly giving me more work and my duties change on a day to day basis. I have documented almost everything he has done to me. Do i have a case against him?


If you are seeking to file a psyche claim as a workers compesation claim, I believe the stress from litigation will far oversahdow any stress related to your current problems and winning will be difficult due to the threasholds required to file a psyche claim.


You may have a valid stress claim. However, you need to be examined by a psychiatrist to determine the nature and extent of your injuries. Feel free to call us at 213.388.7070 for a free consultation.


Assuming for a moment that you've been at your employment for 6 months or more, you might have a valid psyche claim. However, workers comp psyche claims are stressful to prosecute. You might want to seek other employment instead of filing a straight psyche claim. Most often with a psyche claim, the worker's psychological condition improves once the worker is out of the hostile environment.

That said, without really knowing your situation, it is difficult to give you clear direction. Please feel free to contact me at 877.505.INJURY, or go to my website at

What are the release dates for Echte Kerle - 1996?

What are the release dates for Echte Kerle - 1996?
Echte Kerle - 1996 was released on:

Germany: 30 May 1996
USA: 30 May 1996
USA: October 1996 (Chicago International Film Festival)
Hungary: 9 July 1998 (TV premiere)
USA: 7 October 1998 (Tampa International Gay and Lesbian Film Festival)
USA: 6 June 1999 (Connecticut Gay and Lesbian Film Festival)

Friday, April 18, 2014

What are the release dates for The Nephew - 1998?

What are the release dates for The Nephew - 1998?
The Nephew - 1998 was released on:

USA: March 1998 (Santa Barbara Film Festival)
Ireland: 28 August 1998
UK: 28 August 1998
Norway: 4 September 1998
France: 9 September 1998
UK: 10 November 1998 (London Film Festival)
Germany: 10 December 1998
UK: 12 December 1998 (TV premiere)
Sweden: 25 December 1998
Denmark: 25 June 1999
Portugal: August 1999 (video premiere)
New Zealand: 17 September 1999
USA: 16 November 1999 (video premiere)
Iceland: 4 April 2000 (video premiere)
Hong Kong: 4 May 2000
Japan: 1 July 2000 (Tokyo)

work and leaves me and my younger brother at home with our step mom who picks on my little brother ... I'm 17 and he's 12 I want to move her...


work and leaves me and my younger brother at home with our step mom who picks on my little brother ... I'm 17 and he's 12 I want to move here with her but he says I'm not allowed to what do I have to do...


Your post doesn't make much sense, but at 12 and 17, what you do is listen to your parents (and sometimes step-parents).


It looks like half your sentence is missing, so ypur post makes no sense, but 12 and 17 years olds can't pick where they live. Listen to your parent and step mom.


Perhaps you need to discuss this with your mother, assuming that is the parent you are referring to as where you want to live. She would need to be the one to speak with an attorney about modification options.

I had a 30 year mortgage.. I borred 63000.00 paid on it for 13 years and paid it off. The pay off was 62000.00.after 13 years only 1000.00 w...


I had a 30 year mortgage.. I borred 63000.00 paid on it for 13 years and paid it off. The pay off was 62000.00.after 13 years only 1000.00 went to principle


Request a printout of your account. If they are not cooperative, send your request following the procedures for a "qualified written request." You should be able to run a web search to get an idea. You might also try running your original loan terms through an amortization program, such as:

What are the types of technologies used primarily in internal operational communication?

What are the types of technologies used primarily in internal operational communication?
Some primary technologies used in operational communication includetelephones, email and computers. As technology advances, theability to communicate will become easier due to better technology.

Can someone who has parkinson's sign a will. And if so, can they disinherit someone (i.e. their son)? They can talk (hard to understand), wa...


Can someone who has parkinson's sign a will. And if so, can they disinherit someone (i.e. their son)? They can talk (hard to understand), walk, and understand what they want to do (with the will). Can they sign the doc and disinherit a family member?


So long as a person has "testamentary capacity," he or she can sign a will. You say the person in question has difficulty speaking, or at least being readily understood. That is not an issue. Testamentary capacity refers to the ability to know and understand the nature and extent of one's bounty -- that is, the person is familiar with the extent of his or her assets and appears to have an appropriate understanding of what one wishes to happen to one's assets. When a person is suffering from a disease that impairs various functions, it is usually wise to take certain extra (and special) precautions in the drafting and execution of the will. This is all the more true where the person wishes to disinherit a family member who would otherwise either be (1) a person whom one would naturally assume the testator wishes to benefit and/or (2) a person who is a distributee (one who would share in the estate if there were no will). Since the testator wishes to leave out his or her son, you can pretty much expect a good possibility of a probate challenge later on and the testator will be well advised to consult with an attorney and make sure that the will is as "bulletproof" as possible. There are several ways in which this can be accomplished.


Yes, if done properly.

I defaulted on a credit card and the collection agency is trying to get a summary judgment against me for $788 plus accruing interest from 2...


I defaulted on a credit card and the collection agency is trying to get a summary judgment against me for $788 plus accruing interest from 2/27/2011. This debt was written off from original lender for $300 on 4/01/11. I read an article where debt collectors were getting in trouble for tacking on fees. Here is the link to the article Just wondering if I could get this debt reduced.


The credit card company and collection agency can add interest, court costs, collection fees, assuming that they're reasonable and provided for by contract. Your best bet is to call them and try to negotiate a reduced lump sum settlement. Collection agencies are often willing to take a lump sum and give you a break.

Hi. My I-797B expired on 30 Sep'14 but I never got H1B visa stamped on my passport. Now, if my employer has to apply for H1B would he have t...



My I-797B expired on 30 Sep'14 but I never got H1B visa stamped on my passport. Now, if my employer has to apply for H1B would he have to file a new petition? Would I still have to undergo the entire process again and be counted in the 65k cap? TIA.

-- rahul


If your H-1B validity period ended on 09/30/2014, then you would be out of status. Your employer should have filed an H-1B extension (form I-129) before that date. If you file for an extension of stay now, it would be denied, based on the sparse facts you have provided. Furthermore, if you are in fact out of status, then you have been accruing illegal presence since 10/01/2014, making you subject to the 3/10 bar to admissibility if you leave the country & re-enter, after having accrued 180+ days of illegal presence.

I highly recommend you have an experienced immigration attorney review your entire file to confirm your current status. If you are in the San Fernando Valley, or Ventura County, feel free to contact my office for a complimentary consultation at my Warner Center office.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

What are the release dates for Kitty Kornered - 1946?

What are the release dates for Kitty Kornered - 1946?
Kitty Kornered - 1946 was released on:

USA: 8 June 1946

What was the best selling car model in 1960?

What was the best selling car model in 1960?
Chevrolet had the highest production figures in 1960.

What type of company can a H1b Holder open in USA?I am looking at opening a consulting firm Plus etc... I know i cannot work actively. what ...


What type of company can a H1b Holder open in USA?

I am looking at opening a consulting firm Plus etc... I know i cannot work actively. what other restrictions.

Can i open company in any state while living in any state. Which state is the best to open company.

I want to employ a citizen for part time instead of full time to look after business. Is this ok?


As a Franchise Attorney I can only say the following. First, your question is posted in Business Law, the wrong category. It should be posted in Immigration Law. Second, you really need to consult with a good immigration in your area for specific advice. or A franchise attorney or business attorney will not be able to help with immigration - visa issues.

Mr. Franchise - Kevin B. Murphy, B.S., M.B.A., J.D.

Franchise Foundations, a Professional Corporation

What are the economic benefits of marketing to teens?

What are the economic benefits of marketing to teens?
They have money.

My step-dad went from an assisted living home to a nursing home. He has a postal pension, VA aid and attendance and disability (which are al...


My step-dad went from an assisted living home to a nursing home. He has a postal pension, VA aid and attendance and disability (which are all accounted for with his Medicaid). He has credit card debt (used to pay for things while in assisted living, etc.) I and his wife are listed as authorized users. His wife lives in an apartment she is on disability. They have no extra money at all. I am his POA and tried to explain all of this to the collection callers. Now, there is a court hearing scheduled. I am not sure what to do. Do I go to court on his behalf? Do I submit some sort of document in lieu of attending the hearing? If there is a judgement placed against him, will this affect his wife? In what way? Please help.


More information is needed. Who is the collector? Which law firm/attorney is representing them? How much is this claim? Where specifically is it filed?

You really need a phone consult with a consumer attorney, whether its my firm or another. I cannot post enough information here to adequately respond to your multiple questions.


Being an authorized user does not make you or the wife liable for your step-father's credit card debt. And the wife would appear judgment proof for her own credit card debts if she only gets disability income and lives in an apartment and has few assets.

As noted by Attorney Artim, you provide no details on the lawsuit. But being a power of attorney for someone does not permit you to appear in court on behalf of that person. Depending on how the power of attorney is drafted it would, however, permit you to hire an attorney for your step-father provided that it makes sense to do that. But to know that one would have to know the details of the suit.

If its suit by an original creditor and the statute of limitations has not expired and barring any other valid defenses or objections to the lawsuit or claims therein (again an attorney would need to know all the specifics to know what will or will not exist) then the creditor is probably going to get a judgment against your step-father at some point. If. on the other hand, this is a suit by a junk debt buyer, then litigation may make sense. A smart attorney like Attorney Artim may even be able to get the lawsuit dismissed.

If a judgment is entered against your step-father it will not affect the wife. The wife should have a separate bank account from step-father into which she only puts her disability. What other assets does the stepfather and mother have and how are they titled? If owned as a tenancy-by-the-entireties (a legal form of ownership available to husbands and wives) then the law provides that assets held this way cannot be seized by the creditors of either. However, if the wife was also sued for the same debt that would be different.

Trying to "explain" to debt collectors over the phone is a useless act. They have neither a heart nor brain. The way to handle is by letter and to provide relevant documentation (like a power of attorney).

With regard to a lawsuit, any document which is submitted would be called an "answer" which gets filed with the court. As I stated, you cannot represent your step-father in court. You cannot file an answer on his behalf. If this is in small claims, then maybe some magistrates will give you a bit of leeway but that is not really proper. All you can do is hire an attorney if it makes sense.

Attorney Artim has a statewide legal practice but you do not indicate your zipcode and depending on your area you should have your documentation reviewed by either him or local counsel to see what the best way will be to deal with this suit in particular and with the credit card debt overall.

A good attorney can write letters to the other creditors on your step-father's behalf and advise of his cirucmstances but that does not mean that your step-father cannot be sued.

My soon to be ex husband is trying to claim 50/50 custody of our three kids. He has a full time job and I am a stay at home mother. I have a...


My soon to be ex husband is trying to claim 50/50 custody of our three kids. He has a full time job and I am a stay at home mother. I have already shown the last few months that I have them a majority of the time. He just doesn't want to pay me child support. Can he do that?


Custodial time with the children rests upon their best interests. Time share with the parents should be based upon quality and not quantity. The court will support a timeshare increase if it's in the children's best interests. Please meet with an experienced family law attorney to explore your legal options.

How do you shut off a running pocket bike?

How do you shut off a running pocket bike?
A pocket bike that is running should be able to be turned off bypulling the shut off cord. If this cord is missing, the spark plugwire needs to be removed from the spark plug. Do not use anythingmetal to do this. Use a gloved hand, as it could cause anelectrical shock if touched with a bare hand or anything metal.

Who is the managing director of TATA group?

Who is the managing director of TATA group?

Cars with best mpg?

Cars with best mpg?
a hybrid type
also the toyota prius(:

Who is revox darkx?

Who is revox darkx?
he's an orgganiser for event's in Lebanon he's an emo kid who's working hard to get more known want's to be a singer and hiss on every famous website's like facebook twitter vampirefreaks and youtube facebook/ revox darkx twitter/therevoxdarkx vampirefreaks/revox darkx youtube/leoxdarkx

What is the subject of the case Children's Television v. FCC, 852 F.2d 1332,1338-40 (D.C.Cir.1988)?


What is the subject of the case Children's Television v. FCC, 852 F.2d 1332,1338-40 (D.C.Cir.1988)?


That's a broad question, in that this "indecency" standards case touched on a number of issues. Why not just look at the case itself? See,21

Hello. I'm 19 and last Friday, I received a ticket for driving 80 in a 70. Five hours later, I got rear ended and blamed for the accident. L...


Hello. I'm 19 and last Friday, I received a ticket for driving 80 in a 70. Five hours later, I got rear ended and blamed for the accident. Looking for the worst case scenario, if I'm found guilty for both tickets, is there a chance that I lose my license? I haven't had any previous tickets before this day.


You should call me for a free telephone consultation. I can help you avoid a conviction in the speeding ticket, and advise you concerning the accident. I can definitely save you more money than I cost you. Call me!

What are the release dates for Adam-12 - 1968 Anatomy of a 415 - 5.22?

What are the release dates for Adam-12 - 1968 Anatomy of a 415 - 5.22?
Adam-12 - 1968 Anatomy of a 415 - 5.22 was released on:

USA: 7 March 1973

What is the likelihood of the judge ruling against the child advocate in the case where there is no abuse or miss treatment of the child. Th...


What is the likelihood of the judge ruling against the child advocate in the case where there is no abuse or miss treatment of the child. The child advocate is recommending removal of the child from the mothers home to you too he's saying he's lonely no other reason and granting the father custody.


Obviously no one can answer your post. First of all, no attorney is clairvoyant and predict what a judge will do (even with all the facts and we don't have those). Second no one here has read the report, or all the pleadings. The fact you posted here suggests that you have made a catastrophic mistake. Being in a custody case with no lawyer is almost a 100% guarantee you will be on the losing side, and if there is already a GAL, you are months overdue on hiring counsel. It may be too late, but retain counsel Monday.