Monday, May 19, 2014

How does falsifying your CV jeopardize your chances of getting a job?

How does falsifying your CV jeopardize your chances of getting a job?
As an iterviewer I would use the CV to validate what the applicanthas done, achieved and experiened and how those skills will betransferable to my company, what knolwdge tey had that would alowme to select the right person to minimise many of the retrainingneeds and how quickly the applicant will dovetail in to the rolland be an effective part of the "machine".

During the interview I would make the point that the informationprovided forms part of the applicants contract of emplyment. Thismeans that within a contract of employment there would be a aclause about honesty. This will normally fall into the grossmisconduct category.

If it were found that there were points that were deliberatleyfalsified to gain advantage prior to employment being offered thenthe interviewee would not be offered the post. If it transpiredthat after the emplyment was offered that there was clear attemptsto hide important issues or there was false information built in tothe CV to gain teh role then this again would cause the person tobe dismissed.

It must be noted. It does depend on what the information is. I.e.pretending exam results were better that disclosed, jobs stated asbeing undertaken previous were infact not true etc. Everyone showsthe best side in a CV (resume) but there are some areas such assecurity, qualifications t do the role and past employment that cancause the loss of employment offers.

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