Thursday, May 22, 2014

I ordered flowers and fruit from a well-known website for a former co-worker I'd lost a bet to. My wife saw the order and assumed the worst....


I ordered flowers and fruit from a well-known website for a former co-worker I'd lost a bet to. My wife saw the order and assumed the worst. She then called the company and they gave her all the information of the recipient including name, phone number, and address. This caused all sorts of problem ultimately leading to a Order of Protection being filed. Do I have any recourse?


Your recourse is to deal with the real issues - with your wife. Get a lawyer and deal with it. Protective orders are not entered because the company gave the info to your wife. The company did not cause all the other problems, and they are not responsible for whatever did lead to it. It is not reasonable to believe they did. It does no good to try to find someone else to blame for the problems you and your wife face.


If you want help from a lawyer, don't make up a story (or leave out details as you did, which is about the same). Protective orders are issued for domestic violence, not flower orders. Get a lawyer, tell him about the actual behavior on your part (when you hit or threatened her, and what the police did), and then you can get legal help.

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