Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Who is the announcers for the wall street journal?

Who is the announcers for the wall street journal?
Assuming that this question was sent in by a child, let me answer kindly. Broadcast media (TV and Radio stations which "broadcast" their information over the air-waves) have what are commonly called "announcers." The Wall Street Journal is a newspaper. Newspapers have editors for their various sections, like the Opinions Section, the Business Section, and such. It also has a Managing Editor (or Executive Editor), who is responsible for final approval of each publication of the newspaper. So, here's the difference: Announcers just "announce" whatever news they are given to say in front of the camera (or microphone if it's a radio broadcast). Editors have final say on what is published in a given issue of a newspaper. The equivalent of an "announcer" in the newspaper publication business would be staff and free-lance writers.

My assumption that this question came from a child is based on the confusion of number between appositive and verb: an adult would say, "Who are the announcers....." Most adults would also understand the difference between the print media and the broadcast media.

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