Saturday, May 24, 2014

I was convicted of penal code 245 in 1994 and I was wondering if I am able to expunge that or reduce it from a felony to a misdemeanor


I was convicted of penal code 245 in 1994 and I was wondering if I am able to expunge that or reduce it from a felony to a misdemeanor


I am not sure what the law was in 1994 but under the current law it would depend upon what subsection of section 245 as to whether you can reduce the conviction to a misdemeanor. ,If you were not sent to state prison, you can file for what is called an expungement under Section 1203.4. It is not a true expungement but if it is granted you can say that you have not been convicted on a job application. You should meet with an experienced criminal defense attorney and go over what are the requirements to reduce the conviction to a misdemeanor and to file a 1203.4 petition.

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