Sunday, May 25, 2014

I filed for contempt of custody because my sons Mother drove him to the exchange location in Pa. and would not tell him to come to NJ twice....


I filed for contempt of custody because my sons Mother drove him to the exchange location in Pa. and would not tell him to come to NJ twice. She was found in contept for the 2nd but she lied on the stand and said we had switched weekends and that is why she was not there for the 1st weekend. The Judge ruled there was not sufficient evidence to eastablish what happenend on the 1st weekend.Since then I have found video evidence that she was at the 1st exchange and lied on the stand and she has committed miltiple custody contempts. My question is 1. do I file for an appeal for the perjury? or 2. file contempt of custody for the other offenses and bring up the video then? or 3. both?


Your best bet is 2. Even district attorneys don't file perjury charges in criminal cases.


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