Tuesday, May 20, 2014

I'm in the state of Florida and my rights were terminated for my first child not because I was unfit , but because his father was very abusi...


I'm in the state of Florida and my rights were terminated for my first child not because I was unfit , but because his father was very abusive, He was in foster care for a year by the time I got my stuff together with my job and housing , it was too late, I still visits with my first son because he stays with his grandparents. I'm pregnant again and I'm wondering if I take parenting and domestic violence classes ,before my second baby is born, will they be able to take my new baby when it's born? I'm pregnant by a new man and he has two jobs , and we have our own apartment . Please I need an answer.


Too many variables to give a yes/no answer. You need to have a face to face meeting with an attorney.

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