Saturday, May 31, 2014

My fiance was left a house from his father when he passed away and there is still 70,000$ still owed on the home and it was apprently set up...


My fiance was left a house from his father when he passed away and there is still 70,000$ still owed on the home and it was apprently set up in his name and his sisters name so now she wants half of 70,000$ in order for us to move in. I dont feel she is owed anything since there is money left. Please help.


Either one of these heirs, i.e., your fiance or her sister, if they're now

owners of this property, could move in and occupy it (and without

the other's permission--in my opinion).

Obviously, however, someone is going to have to continue to pay the mortgage still outstanding on this house, assuming it is not taken care of by the deceased father's estate assets.


Correction: line 1 of above answer should read "his" sister.

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