Sunday, June 1, 2014

Regarding alimony in Maryland. I have been paying alimony to my ex-spouse for about 2 years. She has not made a sufficient effort to become ...


Regarding alimony in Maryland. I have been paying alimony to my ex-spouse for about 2 years. She has not made a sufficient effort to become self supporting, and she is only banking the money she receives as alimony rather than using or needing it for living expenses. She has accumulated about $40K in the bank. Is there a way to reduce or eliminate the need to pay alimony based on this criteria?


You did not indicate whether you are paying per a divorce judgment and whether if so the order was for permanent or rehabilitative alimony. If the latter, a case could be made that she is failing to seek employment or the education/skills needed to become income productive. Also, if there has been a significant change in circumstances in terms of her needs or your ability to pay since the payments were ordered, you could file for modification, unless by prior agreement you are prohibited from doing so.

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