Thursday, June 26, 2014

My sons biological father has had no contact or interaction with my 6 year old for 6 years. He contacted me last year which I gave him my nu...


My sons biological father has had no contact or interaction with my 6 year old for 6 years. He contacted me last year which I gave him my number and he still never contacted me or his son after that day until a year later when he now wants custody. He lives in FL and we live in PA does he have any rights?


Knowing where in PA would help. Under PA law he you have a duty as the primary custodial parent to foster a relationship to with the non-custodial parents. We care about PA law because he has to file for custody in the county where YOU live. That helps you. Further if he does file he has to prove the its in the best interest child. It's not a slam dunk you but the dad has a tought row to hoe.


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