Wednesday, June 25, 2014

I submitted my first invoice to a large ad agency in February (others followed). I still have not been paid. My partner was paid on time (af...


I submitted my first invoice to a large ad agency in February (others followed). I still have not been paid. My partner was paid on time (after a lengthy 52 day pay cycle) and my check is apparently not being MAILED until May 29th. I can't get answers. I've asked for the first invoice to be wired as it's overdue. What action can I take? Thank you


Do you want to work with them again or cut your losses? If latter, small claims court is your best bet. First, send a certified mail letter, RRR, demanding money and advising of inititation of law suit upon non-compliance. Initiate action after thirty days if no response.


This is common. Many companies will push the limits knowing that it is not going to be worth it for you to sue over especially if you ever want to do business with them again. If in fact they are sincere regards to when payment is expected I would wait it out. Starting any legal action at this point even if only in small claims will certainly take longer than your expected payment to arrive.

If you would like to discuss further over a free phone consult, feel free to contact me anytime that is convenient.

Our firm is now referred by the American Bar Association (see under the New York section):

Kind regards,



[email protected]/* */

DISCLAIMER: this is not intended to be specific legal advice and should not be relied upon as such. No attorney-client relationship is formed on the basis of this posting.

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