Tuesday, June 24, 2014

My attorneys postponed my trial 6 months ago and now say bc of a death of someone on the defence side my trial in 2 weeks is off. I don't ha...


My attorneys postponed my trial 6 months ago and now say bc of a death of someone on the defence side my trial in 2 weeks is off. I don't have clear answers to why the 1st was put or how long my trial date will be postponed bc of this death. I'm frustrated and don't know what to do. I can not get clear ans. from the attorneys.

Accident happened 4 yrs ago- had 7 operations, won disability case, 3 yrs PT. Never been told potential value.

Thank you


There is no such thing as a definite trial date; every trial attorney is at the mercy of the trial jury part and individual judge's rules; witness availabilties; trial counsel schedule, etc., etc.,

Any attorney who provides you with a value to your case should be reprimanded for chicanery.

There are so many variables that bogle the mind. It is only after a reasonable offer has been made on your case that true negotiations begin to take shape. Sometimes, the judge's input will make all the difference. Other times, you will just have to try your case. Be patient, and do not destroy your case by negative input and second guessing your attorney on timing issues.

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