Wednesday, June 25, 2014

I was let go from my job the day I reported back from Maternity leave on Oct, 6th, my actual last day of maternity leave was Oct 2, the reas...


I was let go from my job the day I reported back from Maternity leave on Oct, 6th, my actual last day of maternity leave was Oct 2, the reason I was let go cause I caused the company to lose money from 2013 billing. Do they have a right to do that after I came back from maternity leave. And especially when my ex employer made me think I still had a job when I went to see her the day before to speak to her about my work schedule. And on my exit interview she only out put Involuntary Termination! With no reason or explanation, she only told me verbally why she was letting me go and I was never written up for my mistakes!


An employer can terminate an employee for any reason or no reason, as long as it's not an unlawful reason. For you to have a case for wrongful termination, you need to show that you were terminated BECAUSE of your taking of maternity leave. One of the ways to do that is to demonstrate that the reason for your termination was pretextual--i.e. your 2013 billing mistake was simply an excuse for them terminating you. Please give me a call (213-381-6557) or send me an email ([email protected]/* */) if you would like to discuss your matter further.


Ari Leichter

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