Saturday, June 28, 2014

Hi my grandmother passed away and her estate was not settles, my mother kind of took over paying the bills and the taxes then she passed a w...


Hi my grandmother passed away and her estate was not settles, my mother kind of took over paying the bills and the taxes then she passed a way now my father and brother and sister are living there. Everything is split into thirds, they each pay their portion of all utilities and the taxes now my sister has moved someone into the house without my brothers permission, this person has many issues and was just arrested my brother wants him out of the house can he legally have him removed?


This is a mess. However, I do not see how your brother has authority to have someone removed from the property if the person is a guest of another owner of the premises.

It is a bad bad idea when two or more people who are not married own land unless they can agree all the time on everything. If they cannot, the simple and more practical solution is that they all agree to sell the land and split the proceeds or else the person who wants it should buy out the share of the others. If no one is willing to buy out the other, then any of the owners of the property can force a sale in a process called partition. In partition, the court will order the land to be sold and the money will be divided among the property owners.

Your sister and brother need to each consult a real estate attorney about that.

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