Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Type Your Question Here...My husband was on probation for one year and had 30days house arrest by dauphin county due to two DUI 1st offenses...


Type Your Question Here...My husband was on probation for one year and had 30days house arrest by dauphin county due to two DUI 1st offenses because he was on prescribed medications and crashed my car and called the cops.... both times... probation was up this month. We lived in Lancaster so they were monitoring him and he had no violations. Our landlord sold his house so we had to move and moved out of the county approved by Lancaster. They sent my husband back to Dauphin and Dauphin says he violated probation due to moving and not reporting it. I called his old po and his new po a month after moving and never heard back from his new PO. His new PO said he was having his office changed. I had our mail address forwarded so if they ever sent anything it should have come here no matter what and it did not. Also since my husband is on SSI we have no money for a lawyer or fines. How long does this usually take to find him guilty or not and if found guilty what would his punishments most likely be. What can I do as his wife to help if anything.


My husband was on probation for one year and had 30days house arrest by dauphin county due to two DUI 1st offenses because he was on prescribed medications

Ok did the meds come with a warning? I can see the first accident might be due to ignorance how the drugs might affect his driving. There is no excuse for the second offense.

Just because the landlord sold the house us no reason to make you move. Unless there was a provision in the lease saying so the lease gets assigned to the new owner.

Why are you talking to anybody? You aren't his lawyer. I'm surprised his PO gave you the time of day.

As his wife you can do nothing.


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