Monday, June 23, 2014

My grandfather passed in 2009 and was taken to an attorney to have a ailldrawn. At that time he was diagnosed with dimensia and his mental c...


My grandfather passed in 2009 and was taken to an attorney to have a ailldrawn. At that time he was diagnosed with dimensia and his mental capacity was compromised. There was over 200,000 in an account that he had at that time as well as property. In addition there was a deed of gift drawn 3 years after the will. My mother who was his daughter is deceased and in the will it stated that her share was to be divided amount her siblings. In the deed of gift,made3 years later did not deigate her share to her siblings. What should I do?


Is there a valid will or not and if so, where is it or who has it and what are its

most important provisions (aside from its alleged bequest to your deceased mother)?

Without knowing the answers to the foregoing, I don't see how

a reliable opinion could be offered here (in my opinion).

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