Monday, June 23, 2014

My ex and I are currently divorcing, and have an appointment for mediation and custody scheduled, beginning in November. We have three child...


My ex and I are currently divorcing, and have an appointment for mediation and custody scheduled, beginning in November. We have three children, 2, 4, and 7. He has kept my son, Nicolas (7) from me for almost 2 months and our younger children Audrianna(4) and Joseph (2) from me for nearly a month. He enrolled our son in a new school, and refused to divulge the information until I filed an order for temporary custody pending a hearing, which was not granted based on the fact that the children were not in any physical danger. He also switched their healthcare provider without my permission, the insurance is under my name he is in no way authorized to make changes. He refuses to return my children to me because I work; stating he does not approve of their grandmother providing childcare and would return them on the weekend, he has not returned them at all; for reasons such as I did not provide him with my schedule, they do not want to come home, etc. He has not shown a consistent interest in our children until the beginning of this year, and I have always been their primary parent. I am devastated. I am fearful that his actions will permanently damage my relationship with my children. Does this fall under a violation of the CA penal code for deprivation of custody? Or any other for that matter? What can be done on my part?


When a parent starts playing games like this, it is a huge mistake to continue to be self-represented. You need a lawyer.


Mr. McCormick's advice is right on point. You need the advice of an experienced family law attorney in your area. You need to beg and borrow the money to hire such an attorney.

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