Tuesday, June 24, 2014

I was out of town and represented by an attorney, he had power of attorney over my affairs and was paying my rent. One the apartment manager...


I was out of town and represented by an attorney, he had power of attorney over my affairs and was paying my rent. One the apartment manager learned I wasn't in a position to defend myself he stopped accepting rent checks, changed the locks & sold my belongings on the street. The Los Angeles Housing authority is unable to help, the police won't file a report so I can at least get my renters insurance involved. The management co told the police they have a letter from a family member giving them permission. This family member is not on the lease and did not have power attorney over any of my affairs. I am trying to get this magical letter from them & unsure how to word this letter so the police will take action. My possessions total more than 40k, at least that is the amount I can prove was lost. This was a rent controlled building where I resided for more than 15 years.


You need to sue them for damages.

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