Thursday, July 24, 2014

Hi,I was arrested in Fort Lauderdale for being drunk disorderly and was fined and charged to go to 13weeks of anger management. My court o...


Hi,I was arrested in Fort Lauderdale for being drunk & disorderly and was fined and charged to go to 13weeks of anger management. My court order does not have any due date or a perole officer. Due to the nature of my work I had to leave fort lauderdale and will be back in may, but I recently got flagged going through customs at St.Thomas the system now showed that I only have till the end of march. Could I possibly postpone this or could I complete it on another american island, puerto rico for example.


You need to talk to your probation officer to see if this can be done but it is doubtful because usually you need court permission. You should get an attorney who could file a motion on your behalf to help you accomplish this.


If there is no probation officer then the issue may be one of contempt if you do not comply with the court order in a timely manner. Speak with an attorney who can file the relevant Motion with the court to extend your time for completing anger management.

Natalie Hall, Esq.

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