Saturday, July 26, 2014

My question pertains to the laws surrounding overtime requirements for employees. I work for a company that states in their employees manual...


My question pertains to the laws surrounding overtime requirements for employees. I work for a company that states in their employees manual that they do not issue overtime wages, but the duties of my job position requires me to work an average of 13 hours a day in a 5 day pay period plus an additional 10 hours during weekends. I do get paid for the extra time I work, but at the same pay rate. Is this action legal ?


Probably not legal if you are paid hourly. Perhaps legal if paid salary or salary plus some additional hourly as long as guaranteed salary is at least $455 a week, depending on duties of the job. You do not advise as to the nature of your job duties or details of your job. Feel free to send me a more detailed email with information wagelaw at or check out my website

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