Sunday, March 23, 2014

Currently my ex and I have a joint custody agreement and child support order. In the child support order my ex was ordered to get health ins...


Currently my ex and I have a joint custody agreement and child support order. In the child support order my ex was ordered to get health insurance of my son that was back on January 6th, it is now April 13th and he still does not have health insurance. She will not give me any information about the insurance nor will she give me any information about hom going to the doctors. She also refused to give me just a paper copy of my sons social security card. What can I do about this?


Hi, and thank you for your question,

If your ex was Court Ordered to have your son covered by your ex's health insurance carrier and the ex has not complied and also refuses to give you information about the insurance, then your recourse is to file a "Petition for Contempt" as soon as possible. Include in your Petition for Contempt that your ex has refused to comply with the Court Order of January 6, 2015 and also refuses to give you any information regarding the health insurance coverage. In your prayer for relief, ask the Court to hold your ex in Contempt of Court and to incarcerate your ex until they comply with the Court Order of January 6, 2015..

Best of luck,


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