Thursday, March 27, 2014

We were approached by a roofing company is December 2012 who said we had damages to our roof due to a tropical storm and that we would be ab...


We were approached by a roofing company is December 2012 who said we had damages to our roof due to a tropical storm and that we would be able to have a new roof put on covered by insurance. The insurance e company denied the claim but did cut a check for some repairs. The roofing company told us not to a accept that check and that this matter would be turned o we to an attorney for a settlement. It is now August 2013 and still no settlement has been met. The roofing company dropped the ball when getting our claim to their attorney. They didn't turn it into the attorney for months. Now we need to sell our house and per the contract I signed, it says that we have to pay 2k if we drop our claim. Shouldn't there be an expiration date on the contract? There is not. Do I have any legal leeway in this situation?


Sounds like a scam to me.


Seek some legal guidance with all your paperwork including the contract that you ask about having an expiration date. Hard to answer your question without all the available documents.

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