Tuesday, March 25, 2014

I would like to know if it is worth looking further into a situation that I am involved with..... have been diagnosed with HIV+, I my doctor...


I would like to know if it is worth looking further into a situation that I am involved with..... have been diagnosed with HIV+, I my doctor called in prescribe several different medications. I picked them up from CVS pharmacy. All the pills had a 30 day supply, with the exception of one, the one that I wasn't supposed to be taking at all. It had 12 pills, I took the pills for twelve days. I called my doctor to have the rest of the prescription filled, only for my doctor say they never prescribe that medication, that it I for arthritis...I made another call to CVS Pharmacy...and they can't explain the mix-up. My stomach has been upset since taking that medication, once I stopped the medicine it has gone away. I don't want this to happen to anyone else, it could be deadly next time...please give me your advice


It certainly is negligence, but probably not worth pursuing. Fortunately, other than some discomfort it sounds like you will be okay. This shouldn't happen to anyone, and I agree it could be deadly. I would contact the CVS where you had the prescription filled, ask to speak with the manger and see what they can offer you.

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