Monday, March 24, 2014

I am going to be as honest as I possibly can be about what had happen and will say this in court exactly as I will type it . Please tell me ...


I am going to be as honest as I possibly can be about what had happen and will say this in court exactly as I will type it . Please tell me what I should do and say :

I was about to make an illegal U-Turn and as I was getting ready I checked behind me to see if there was any cars just to be safe. As I was about to turn a car come from behind and tries to go around me and while it tries to pass me I was already Turing around. My entire left wheel is damage and the other cars right side is damage. The lady then gets out of the car and run up to me yelling and what not. The cops get there I explain to them what happen and I get a ticket for improper u-turn and have to go to court because the lady left with the ambulance because she said her right knee was in pain. I guess she didn't feel it right after the accident when she ran up to me and threw something at my car. This is exactly how it happen and if there's any questions I will answer them. My court date is 1/20/14 so please I need advice a.s.a.p on what I should do. Thank you in advance


You can hire a lawyer and have him/her work to get the case dismissed. Call us at 1-855-9JEFLAW to discuss.

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