Saturday, March 22, 2014

I work for the county,we are required to get physicals every year or we can not return to work.We have to pay for these I feel like this sho...


I work for the county,we are required to get physicals every year or we can not return to work.We have to pay for these I feel like this should fall under the wellness benefit and we should not have to pay. I have been doing it for 25 yrs.I do not go to a walk in clinic or see a doctor that they bring in ,I feel my reg. doctor knows my medical history better and is qualified to TRUELY know if I can do my job or not.We also have to be finger printed every so many yrs. 4or 5 we have to pay for this our selves .They go up on our insurance every yr.and we usely lose something also.People that draws a gov. check or welfare does not have to pay anything or be tested what is our rights here?


You have the right to seek employment that better fits your requirements. No one here knows what is or is not covered under your "wellness benefits," but apparently this is not.

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