Thursday, March 27, 2014

What happened in Hong Kong in 1997?

What happened in Hong Kong in 1997?
In hong kong 1997, one of the biggest events in the world took place what shaked the world terifically... Hong kong ran out of rice! yes, there was a massive invasion of rats and insects what dramatically and rapidly infested all the rice throughout china. This became a very big issue in hong kong mainly because rice was one of the main products what was used, meaning less rice, less buisness. The hong kong people decided to try new ideas such as making rice grains out of cow and camel. This was unsucesfull mainly because the Chinese could not find a way to keep the preservatives in the meat fresh.

After 2 years time the Chinese people came up with a formula/product to detirorate all the rats and insects. This product was called Ajax, spray and kill.
This product became very useful and changed the rice industry majorly!
Now till this day we can still eat our rice thanks to Ajax, spray and kill

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