Thursday, March 27, 2014

I have joint custody with my ex wife having physical. I was young and ignorant when I signed papers I have my daughter since birth atleast h...


I have joint custody with my ex wife having physical. I was young and ignorant when I signed papers I have my daughter since birth atleast half the time or more. Right now my ex wife and her husband live a mile from me, making it really easy for my daughter to go and cone as she pleases. She's 10. My biggest issue is I pay child support and have been, but yet I take care of her at my home as much if not more than my ex wife. She doesn't work and has 3 other kids with the guy she left me for, her husband. I struggle as is too take care of myself and daughter at my own home much less her mom's home as well. Is there anyway for me to take her back to court and either get my child support dismissed or a 50/50 shared custody. As much as I have on my ex wife that would probably give me full custody, I don't want to take her completely away from her mom.


Contact a lawyer in the area who handles domestic matters. You should be able to get your child support recalculated according to the living situation.

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