Tuesday, March 25, 2014

My ex-wife is using both the IV-D collection system and an private collection attorney for child support. In 2003 The attorney got a judgeme...


My ex-wife is using both the IV-D collection system and an private collection attorney for child support. In 2003 The attorney got a judgement for the past-due support until that time. Although that judgement amount remains in the attorney's office, the full balance also remains at the County and both entities are charging interest. The attorney has garnished a few times from my checking accounts but neither the attorney nor my ex reported these collections to the County. Help!


Assuming I clearly understand your issue, this problem seems to be one that would be readily resolvable. I suggest you address the matter with your child support officer. Then, pay a private attorney for assistance as need be. Tricia Dwyer Esq

Minnesota Child Support Attorneys

Minnesota Family Law Attorneys

Tricia Dwyer Esq & Assoc PLLC

ph 612-296-9666

M-F 6am-5pm, Sa/Su 'til noon.

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