Friday, March 28, 2014

divorce final on december 29, 2010. she got the house in the divorce. i have done a quit claim deed. she has still not completed refinancing...


divorce final on december 29, 2010. she got the house in the divorce. i have done a quit claim deed. she has still not completed refinancing. its affecting my credit. (was 745, not 560). i am paying allamony. how long does she have to get me off the title loan so it doesnt affect me anymore and is there anything i can do?


The specific language of your divorce decree will determine what remedies, if any, are available to address this situation. Ideally, the decree obligates the spouse to indemnify and hold harmless the other spouse who is being relieved of the mortgage liability. A post-decree motion identifying the breach, and either pursuing damages, or injunctive relief or specific performance remedies may be available.

Your attorney can explain further,

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