Tuesday, March 25, 2014

I am representing myself in my divorce pro se. My husband has an attorney and has filed his financials with the Court. He intentionally quit...


I am representing myself in my divorce pro se. My husband has an attorney and has filed his financials with the Court. He intentionally quit his job and presented that he was fired. He put in his financials filed with the Court that his income is only $1500 per month. He also stated that his mortgage was $3100 per month. He said that his bank account balance is -$124. He has over $12,000 in his bank account from his tax returns. What can be done because the Court ordered that he pay only $75 (not each child, but in total) per week for 3 children. This is not fair when based on his true income before he quit his job would have been $2200 per month for child support. I am afraid that he will hid his money or use his girlfriend to hide his money.


You'll need to prove to the court that he's making misrepresentations. Among your tasks is issuing subpoenas for records. Doing this without an attorney will be extremely difficult.


Mr. Farras is correct. You need to subpoena his personnel file as well. You should consider hiring an attorney.

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