Friday, May 2, 2014

Gave 1st, last and security deposit for house rental. Re-newed lease and never used last month's rent. Once that lease was up, went month to...


Gave 1st, last and security deposit for house rental. Re-newed lease and never used last month's rent. Once that lease was up, went month to month until I just purchased the home that I have been living in. At closing last month's rent and security deposit refund was ignored (this was 5 days ago). Now ex-landlord is blowing me off about the money. I feel I have every right to that money, but how do I go about it? I have receipts for the deposits as well as both leases and canceled checks showing I have paid every month


You should not have closed without getting the funds. You can sue under the lease for the return of the sums assuming nothing in your purchase contract is to the contrary.

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