Thursday, May 1, 2014

I want to get a divorce but I would like to keep the house that is under both our names. He left 10yrs ago and never paid me a dime for the ...


I want to get a divorce but I would like to keep the house that is under both our names. He left 10yrs ago and never paid me a dime for the mortgage or taxes. He also didn't pay for child support on my 16yr old daughter. Do I have a chance on getting the house?


You might. His abandonment of the marriage, marital estate and his child could create an unequal distribution of assets. Is your daughter now 16? If so, you should move quickly in order to establish his child support obligations before she graduates high school. Establishing his financial obligations now creates leverage for your negotiation for a fair distribution of property. Retain an attorney in your area at your earliest opportunity.

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