Thursday, May 15, 2014

im a resident in a nice quiet neighborhood for the past 15 years. Recently the village knocked the house down next to me and installed a hug...


im a resident in a nice quiet neighborhood for the past 15 years. Recently the village knocked the house down next to me and installed a huge playground. The noise from this playground is continuos and extremely disturbing. I cannot enjoy my home anymore. What are my options. Can I sue the village to have this shut down?


Without knowing the nature of the noise, it is difficult to offer any suggestions. If, for example, it is concerts that last late into the night, you might have some traction. If it is children making general child at a playground sounds, you may be in a tough spot. I can think of no legal theory that would result in what you suggest, particularly since government entities enjoy broad immunities. Perhaps you could sell the home, since many people would see this as a valuable amenity.

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