Friday, May 16, 2014

My father just passed away. He had a will saying everything was to be split 50/50- but after his death- I find that she manipulated him in t...


My father just passed away. He had a will saying everything was to be split 50/50- but after his death- I find that she manipulated him in to putting her POD on everything - including his 250,000 house. She is now telling me that the 40,000 in his personal checkbook will be used to pay bills- his funeral is paid for and he had no other bills- do I have the legal right to look at bank transactions and do I have any legal rights with the house and a million dollars worth of land that was POD to her, as well?


I am very sirry to hear of your lisd. You have my condolences.

If you act quickly, you may he able to save assets. But, you don't likely be able to do it on your own. Consult directly with a probate attorney in your area, very soon. Give them the details tgatbyou weren't able to here. It matter who "she" is, spouse, xhikd, nurse, etc.

There isn't time to waste, so consult with someone soon.

Good luck

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