Tuesday, May 13, 2014

My question is I was in a marriage for 18 years. Been paying alimony for 9 so far how much longer am I expected to pay. From my understandin...


My question is I was in a marriage for 18 years. Been paying alimony for 9 so far how much longer am I expected to pay. From my understanding a lot of the laws have changed regarding divorce...


It depends. Every scenario is different but long term support does not have a definitive cut off date by law. The court has to have continuing jurisdiction to consider a modification/termination of support (unless either party dies, or the supporting party remarries). If they do the court looks to see if there has been a material change of circumstance in which the court should modify/terminate the award. The burden would be on you to prove that material change.

Post-Judgment modifications are often nuanced arguments. It is highly advisable for you to seek counsel.

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