Tuesday, May 13, 2014

What is the formula for calculating wacc?

What is the formula for calculating wacc?
The Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC) reflects the average 'cost of financing' for a firm. Firms raise money in several ways, such as issuing equity, debt, and preferred stock. The WACC is calculated by taking the (after-tax) 'cost' of each of these forms of financing and multiplying it by the relative proportion of total financing represented by that form of financing.

The full formula for WACC is:

rD = The required return of the firm's Debt financing
(1-Tc) = The Tax adjustment for interest expense
(D/V) = (Debt/Total Value)
rE= the firm's cost of equity
(E/V) = (Equity/Total Value)
V = (D + E), ie Total Firm Value

To calculate the WACC for a publicly traded company, there is an online WACC Calculator available at http:/www.ThatsWACC.com

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