Saturday, June 21, 2014

Hi, I live in New York. My father and his wife lived in Florida. They had no children together. I am my father's only child and my father's ...


Hi, I live in New York. My father and his wife lived in Florida. They had no children together. I am my father's only child and my father's wife had no children. My father passed away in 2004 and his wife in September 2014. I have been informed that I was named in my father's wife revocable trust. I am writing today to ask if I am entitled to a copy of the trust and if so, can I request it and how long should it take to receive? Thank you.


Yes you are entitled to know the terms of the trust if you are a beneficiary. You should request that information in writing from the attorney for you father. It can take 30 days or so. If you don't get it in that time, I would follow up with another letter, certified. If no response thereafter, than hire an attorney to follow up for you.

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