Sunday, June 22, 2014

me and my children's father are no longer together since July of 2012. since then we have been through court many times due to, harassment, ...


me and my children's father are no longer together since July of 2012. since then we have been through court many times due to, harassment, custodial, and domestic related issues. at this current time we have joint custody of our children at the same time i am listed by judge primary care giver of our 2 kids. Today I appeared in court to modify parent agreement which is continued until next month because I needed to obtain legal consultation. the kids father has tired everything in his power to prevent himself from paying child support by requesting DNA which he still has not done since 2012 in which my child support case was suspended based off this allegation. yet in still he has not presented himself for such test which was not ordered by a judge. To furthermore keep himself from paying anything he has filed and been approved by SSI to receive funds for his imaginary disabilities. also during court he made remarks about my new male friend as far as him not wanting someone else raise his kids, in which now the judge has ordered my male friend to be present on the next court date. Now to my question, does he have the right to request my new male friend to be present in court for our custodial hearing ? my next question is how do I go about pursuing child support payments ? my last question would be what is this best legal advice for me andor what action should i take to avoid being constantly requested to appear in court for these matter ?


Does he have the right to request my new male friend to be present in court for our custodial hearing ?

If by 'he' you mean your ex then no. If by 'he' you mean the Judge then yes.

My next question is how do I go about pursuing child support payments ?

Easy - go to your local child support enforcement office and follow up frequently (the squeaky wheel gets the grease baby)

My last question would be what is this best legal advice for me andor what action should i take to avoid being constantly requested to appear in court for these matter ?

I'm not saying you are but the most common answer to this question is quit being a petty hater (aka a jerk). The second most common answer is to bite the bullet and hire an attorney to aggressively put your ex in his place.

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