Sunday, June 1, 2014

my car was at a service station being repaired while there someone backed into my car causing damage does is the service station responsible...


my car was at a service station being repaired while there someone backed into my car causing damage does is the service station responsible dor repairs due to the accident


Why should it be? Did the station cause or contribute to the accident, perhaps by putting your car where it was likely to be hit or by blocking your car's visibility to the other driver? Did the station guarantee that your car would not be damaged? Unless you can point to a reason why the station should be liable, the answer to your question is no. The station is not an insurer for everyone who leaves their car on its premises.


You might want to proceed against the service station under Massachusetts law which allows a recovery in situations close to this. I had a similar case several years ago, actually two different ones that I can think of. You might also consider proceeding against the motorist who backed into your car. You may also be able to recover if you had the forethought to pay for comprehensive coverage on your car with your own insurer. If you want to hire a lawyer you could probably get some assistance and expertise. Best luck. Regards, JBS

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