Monday, June 2, 2014

My ex-wife wanted the home in the divorce so bad that she chose the home and agreed to my equity in the home as a one time child support pay...


My ex-wife wanted the home in the divorce so bad that she chose the home and agreed to my equity in the home as a one time child support payment. The decree states that my equity in the home constitutes "a one time child support payment" therfore no child support payments shall be granted. If she wants money out of me, then she must sell the home. Now of course, I do take care of my sons financially. I buy all of their clothes and shoes, I buy their school lunches, I pay for their activities in school and otherwise, I give them extra spending money along with food and items otherwise not mentioned. Their mother knows this. I did not find the need to keep receits for all of my purchases. Is it possible for her to take me to court to have this matter modified? The decree states for this reason "no child support shall be granted." I take care and I love my sons whole heartedly like any other father. They get everything they need from me and always will. Their mother is a little too materialistic for me and I think it is best to keep things as they are and my children will continue to benefit from my support and not her greed. If I have to give her money directly, my sons will not see a fair share. She is trying to maintain a home that her income along with childsupport payments cannot afford. She needs to move.


Yes, she can ask for a modification. Sometimes circumstances change in such a way that modification is appropriate.

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