Sunday, July 13, 2014

I was married and had a child in 2004 shortly after the child was born my husband hit me while I was hold the child we were divorced he was ...


I was married and had a child in 2004 shortly after the child was born my husband hit me while I was hold the child we were divorced he was charged with child endangerment and domestic voilence he choose not to see the child or pay the ordered child support presently I have terminal cancer and have less than a year to live I have named my sister gaurdenship in my will but I don't want my ex to get my daughter I reached out to him and he is willing to sign over his rights to her how do I go about doing this I don't have a lot of money can I do it on my own?


You and your sister need to speak with an attorney. Your sister could file for custody and you and the father could file a consent. This does not terminate the father's rights, but if he decided he wanted custody in the future, he would have to file a modification. The securest means of protecting your daughter is for your sister to file for adoption. You and the father could surrender your legal rights and your parental rights would be terminated as part of the adoption. I would not try either action on your own, especially the adoption. I urge you and your sister to meet with an attorney as there may be additional information not provided in this post which could impact your decision.


Tahira is absolutely right

Where is father?

You should have father consent to the termination of his rights FIRST - just in case he tries to take child after you sign away your rights

Hire competent counsel - will not be cheap

Maybe you and your sister can share expenses

Good luck and God Bless you and your family

Ralph (770.985.6773 -- answered 24 x 7)

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