Monday, February 24, 2014

Dear Sir,This going to be a long letter. I need to start from the begining so you get the full meaning of this. My mom got my daughter at th...


Dear Sir,

This going to be a long letter. I need to start from the begining so you get the full meaning of this. My mom got my daughter at the age of 3. My daughter is 37 now with a daughter of her own. I just found out on mothers day of some very bad things that has happened over the period of the last 2 years. My mom is 93 years old and lives by her self. Mom has raised her like she is her own daughter. Mom was inthe hospitol having surgery done and my daughter went to her house and took the money mom had hid in the deep freezer and in the table drawer. She then went to the bank and took all of her money totaling over $20000 and mom has not seen her again in 2 years or no where she lives.

That left her with no money and checks started to bounce. My mom has been paying my daughter's rent, eletric bill and buying her food. My daughter thinks she is to good to live in Pekin so she lives in Morton in some apartments that costs mom $1000 a month rent, electric, food and water. She also got tricked into buying her a $32,000 pickup truck.My daughter has a job but we cant figure out where her money goes. I told mom i think she is on meth. The last time i seen her she shows all the signs of a drug user.

Mom doesnt want to have her arrested because she is afraid of what will happen to kaylee(the grandaughter). I live in Arkansas and i am not able to be there to take care of mom.

My question is can she be arrested for her crimes with out mom filing charges. I know for sure my mom wont sign or tell anyone what is going on. Is it also possible to get a restraining order against her? It broke my heart to see my mom sitting there pennyless, why this piece of trash is living high on the hog. I think elderly abuse should also rank up there on charges as well of theft even though her name was on account. Mom's neighboors have been a God send. One of the neighboors has power of attourney and gives mom a allowance for the week. Is there any thing we can do to have my daughter arrested without mom's knowledge. I am sure the neighboors would be willing to tell you what has happened and this sweet woman has been manipulated into this. All of my daughters life mom has given her everything she wanted, this is the problem with her. Can the police pick her up without moms consent for theft and elderly abuse. I truely beleive will slip in mom's home some night and kill her just to get the house. My mom has been minipulated and brain washed so long by my daughter she just cant accept the fact my daughter is no good.

Please help me out, i am at the end of my rope trying to figure out what to do without hurting my mom and still see my daughter prosecuted.

Thank you for any help, Brad

my email is :[email protected]/* */


this is tragic. you should consider contacting catholic charities in the city your mother lives for further information.


I strongly recommend that you contact the appropriate local Elder Abuse agency. In Illinois, different agencies cover different geographic areas. You can find the appropriate agency, and a phone number for that agency, at this link:

In Illinois, you can file Elder Abuse reports with these agencies anonymously, and they do not charge for their involvement. I am very sorry to hear about all of this. I hope this resource can help you and your Mom.

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