Wednesday, February 26, 2014

The house I was renting foreclosed and BofA offered 3,500.00 (cash for keys) to be out by July 5th and I signed the agreement. It has been a...


The house I was renting foreclosed and BofA offered 3,500.00 (cash for keys) to be out by July 5th and I signed the agreement. It has been almost 3 weeks and they have not sent the check to the realtor who is handling the inspection and release of the check. When I call the realtor he tells me that Bank of America is behind on issuing checks. I held up my end of the agreement but the bank has not, do I have any legal recourse?


I assume that you moved by July 5. It sounds like you might have a small claims case. Additionally if you can show pattern and practice, you might have other remedies such as a class action (although the Supreme Court's recent decision might make a class action pretty tough).

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