Saturday, February 22, 2014

I know this isnt the medium to look for a lawyer, so forgive me. This is my scenario. I broke my femur a couple of years back, they put hard...


I know this isnt the medium to look for a lawyer, so forgive me. This is my scenario. I broke my femur a couple of years back, they put hardware on the femur. About two months ago, I feel inside an MTA bus when the driver braked suddenly to avoid a running a red light. An ambulance was called and I was taken to the emergency room.

I am uninsured. I've had several doctor visits, and they have requested and MRI, and since I'm uninsured I cant get one so I went to the county. They put me on extensive physical therapy for the next six weeks to see if I will make any progress and then go from there.

Of course, I want to sue them, and I want to get going with it even thought doctors are still waiting to see whats wrong. I filed a claim and they denied it and I know about the six month limit which ends in september.

I need a lawyer, please if interested, just reply to this message email [email protected]/* */ . I use this medium to avoid doing a bunch of cold calling.

I live in L.A, and the incident happened on a metro bus in L.A, in other words, MTA.


Call my office for a consultation. 323*782*0099


You and I spoke about this on the phone. Contact me when you are ready

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