Friday, February 28, 2014

in divorce agreement, husband was to pay house lien in 60 days. He is paying the IRS in monthly installments instead, and my name is still a...


in divorce agreement, husband was to pay house lien in 60 days. He is paying the IRS in monthly installments instead, and my name is still attached to the lien. The home is mine in the agreement, and I cannot refinance and have a poor credit record. I am unable to get any credit as well.

What is my best recourse?


Discuss a contempt action with your divorce lawyer. However, if it is true that he is to pay entire home loan off in 60 days, as indicated in your post, would he have that much money ?


It sounds from your post the lien is an IRS lien and not the mortgage. If that is correct, he would be required to make full payment to the IRS within the 60 day period. I assume he would not have agreed to pay within 60 days if he did not have the funds to do so. Your means of recourse is to file a contempt action. I suggest you speak with your attorney.

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