Monday, February 24, 2014

wife has sexual extramarital affaires. what are my choices?


wife has sexual extramarital affaires. what are my choices?


Extramarital affairs have legal relevance in California and have not since the late 1950's or early 1960's. So your choices are personal, not legal. The only legal choice to be made is filing for divorce or not.


Your choice is to temporarily separate until your wife changes (if you want to work this out and still love one another or want to remain married for other reasons) or contact a divorce attorney A.S.A.P. and serve divorce paper's on your wife.


Your choices can be either legal, interpersonal or both.

If you wish to try and work on the relationship, your best bet is to go with your spouse to a qualified marriage counselor to address these concerns. You should also find out if your spouse had unprotected sex. If she did,you should test for sexually transmitted diseases.

If you believe your relationship is irretrievably broken, then meet with an experienced family law attorney to explore your legal options.

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