Friday, February 21, 2014

My ex-wife and I recently divorced and agreed on joint custody with her having primary care of our son. I moved to Florida and she just rece...


My ex-wife and I recently divorced and agreed on joint custody with her having primary care of our son. I moved to Florida and she just recently moved to Washington D.C. We are currently in the process of working out a new visitation schelduel for my son due to the other one being created for when we both lived in Georgia. She is currently up in D.C. trying to get settled and find a place. She has chosen to have her parents watch my son while she is getting settled and is refusing to allow me to have in florida during this time. Am I legally allowed to pick up my son and bring him to Florida without her consent has long has I have him back when she is ready for him in D.C.?


"Pick up my son without her consent" = federal child abduction charges and an Amber Alert. You probably want to re-phrase that in the future. Beyond that, no one knows what your orders say (that should have been the first sentence), what the Judge will do, or the background facts so even if you want to do things correctly no one here is going to, or can, tell you what to do. Call your lawyer.

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